Between getting/recovering from covid and the start-of-semester madness, I'd totally forgotten to share my pre-recorded #JSM2023 talk recording (which could not be played live due to tech constraints).
So here is "Sublayer Modularity in the Grammar of Graphics"! -
Hoping to turn it into a blog post / package vignette soon for the video-averse.
Just got back from ASA’s JSM 2023 convention in Toronto. I had a great time, learned a lot of stuff and made new connections 😁 . It was so cool to see so many mid career stats professionals talk about their work. #ASA #AmericanStatisticalAssociation #jsm2023 #JSM #JointStatisticalMeetings #statistics #biostatistics
#asa #americanstatisticalassociation #jsm2023 #jsm #jointstatisticalmeetings #statistics #biostatistics
Our final session of #JSM2023 was a whistle-stop tour of various #DataScience projects at Google, covering YouTube, Google Maps, and Google Search. A fascinating and eye-opening session!
2018 PhD graduate Lucy D'Agostino McGowan, now an assistant professor of statistical sciences, biostatistics and data science at Wake Forest, received the Young Investigator Award from the ASA's Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences section at #JSM2023 earlier this week. Her paper "Design Principles for Data Analysis" can be viewed at (Tweeted by WFU colleague Staci Hepler.)
If you are at #JSM2023 come hear about the career experiences of long term members of the section of statistics and data science education in panel “Careers in Teaching Undergraduate Statistisl and Data Sciences: Who? What? Where? Why? How?”
As promised (to a totally real person who just doesn't happen to be on this app), here's my
*Definitive Guide to the Desserts of JSM*
Materials and info for all talks from our #jsm2023 session yesterday, "Teaching (with) Quarto" 👇
Shoutout to @minecr for putting together a great session (and website!), and to @quarto_pub for basically being the answer to all my #rstats and #python prayers!
My students are absolutely kicking butt in the #jsm2023 session on testing statistical graphics.
The Tuesday lineup at #JSM2023 includes Byar Award winner Sarah Lotspeich, assistant professors Siyuan Ma and Jinyuan Liu, professor Bryan Shepherd, and PhD students Tianyi Sun and Kaidi Kang. Details at our blog.
Check out #JSM2023 panel session today, Engaging the Modern Student in Stats and DS! Speakers, including myself, will be showing off how they use games in their classrooms to get students interested.
Tuesday morning at #JSM2023 and we have two talks about continuous #GravitatiionalWaves. Unfortunately they're in simultaneous sessions. So you have your pick between me talking in the topic contributed session "Pulling Signal out of Noise for Data-Driven Discoveries in Astronomy" or Alan Knee in the invited session "The True North Strong and ... Amazing at Astrostatistics!" #LIGO #Virgo #KAGRA #ContinuousWaves #astrostatistics #NeutronStars #JSM
#jsm #neutronstars #astrostatistics #continuouswaves #kagra #virgo #ligo #gravitatiionalwaves #jsm2023
Last night's drink definitely prepared me well for my #jsm2023 talk on @quarto_pub !!!
Thanks to all who cane, we had a fun crowd and some excellent questions! #rstats crew knows how to show up!
Netflix and skills at #JSM2023: how a job ad for the streaming giant inspired a #DataScience student project:
#JSM2023 day two starts with a discussion of the statistical challenges involved in studying the deep universe:
Great first session on #dataviz at #jsm2023 -- check out our live blog:
Attending my first in person #JSM this week. It'll be speaking about searches for continuous gravitational waves Tuesday morning in the topic contributed session on "Pulling Signal out of Noise for Data-Driven Discoveries in Astronomy". #JSM2023 #GravitationalWaves #LIGO #Virgo #KAGRA
#kagra #virgo #ligo #gravitationalwaves #jsm2023 #jsm
The ANU (Australian National University) crew is in Toronto for #JSM2023! (After the long ✈️ from 🇦🇺)
🦘 Mon 8.30am - Alan Welsh & Francis Hui
🦘 Tue 10.30am - Emi Tanaka
🦘 Tue 2pm - Xu Ning, Zhiyang Tho, Jiazhen Xu, Robert Clark
(Note: Jiazhen is here and _not_ withdrawn as written in the current program)
🦘 Thu 9.20am - Xian Li
Very excited to participate on Haley Jeppson’s panel for “Use of Color in Statistical Charts” at #jsm2023! (Sunday 2-4 PM, CC-810)
I’ll use this (in progress) collection of @observablehq notebooks for computing on color:
Thanks to @zeileis, whose colorspace package in R inspired much of this work:
@statstas Yes, they just sent the link by email, and I've installed it, but it doesn't seem too usable. Very slow to respond to things like typing in search terms, only search one day at a time, etc. 😞 Also inconvenient (but less important) that I had to create a new account instead of using my ASA credentials. #JSM2023 #JSM #ASA