The Pilfered Orb by Griselda_Gimpel - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - Susanna Clarke, Pirane... via @ao3org
When the Nameless King of Lost-hope's orb is stolen, he traverse the realms to look for it. When he finds himself in the House, he meets its inhabitant, who offers to assist him.
One of my older fics: "Our Little Gathering", for Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell (#JSMN) Written for Chocolate Box 2016, for DancingSalome.
Emma & Arabella, Arabella/Jonathan. Rated G, 3847 words.
Arabella Strange woke in the middle of the night, dressed, and went beyond the fields we know. (The tale of Arabella's abduction and imprisonment from her POV.)
Gardeners' World/Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: Thistledown by Anonymous #JSMN #fic #rec