I will have the pleasure to talk about #SolEx and #JSolEx at #DevoxxBE later this year! https://devoxx.be
I was extremely lucky and captured a solar eruption this morning using my Sol'Ex. Everything was processed using my custom #JSolEx software.
Details (in french): http://www.astrosurf.com/topic/163303-eruption-solaire-du-23-ao%C3%BBt-2023-%C3%A0-10h-solex/
It's holidays, waiting for the clouds to go away to do some imaging. In the meantime, I have released #JSolEx 1.6.3!
JSol'Ex 1.5.3 is out. It adds automatic correction of the P angle, as well as improvements to the watch mode : https://github.com/melix/astro4j/releases/tag/1.5.3
JSol'Ex 1.5 est sorti. Au menu : mode surveillance de dossier, possibilité de combiner les images d'un batch (pour faire de l'empilement ou une vidéo par exemple).
A walkthrough guide to JSol'Ex. Includes a tutorial about how to use the ImageMath feature!
Dans #JSolEx 1.3, j'ai ajouté un langage (simple) de script qui permet d'effectuer des calculs sur les images produites avec le #SolEx. J'illustre ça avec le traitement d'une vidéo Hélium dans cette vidéo : https://youtu.be/EwUUg06opKU
Sortie de #JSolEx 1.2.0, pour traiter vos vidéos de spectrohéliographe ! Au menu, possibilité de sélectionner les images à générer, nommage des fichiers personnalisé, mode batch et performances accrues !
I am facing new challenges with regards to testing #JSolEx. Basically it's a video processing tool, and I'm "manually" testing the result, because each video can be between 600MB and 2+GB. There are dozens of them to try (different qualities, different defects, ...). Obviously I cannot push this to CI, and writing automated tests is very complex...
JSol'Ex 1.1.0 is out. Fixed a number of bugs, reworked tilt detection and added spectral ray editor.
I have released #jsolex 1.0.0, spectroheligraph video processing. Get it from https://github.com/melix/astro4j