#Parsing it works well.
I know a #AngularJS prog that handles 20.000+ jsons no sweat.
<3 it 😋
Next month I'll talk in the @allthingsopen #security track in Raleigh, NC about #sudo:
I'll talk about the latest @sudoproject features, like #JSON formatted logging, controlling access even more and logging even more events.
It was surprisingly fast done to get this little fella #esp01 talking to my #raspberry. Now two of them are up and send #json encoded humidity and temperature.
And I am stucking since hours at this #python stuff getting it right into #mysql database. Better not to start a war, but I really dont like python.
So much code, so small knowlegde...
#esp01 #raspberry #json #python #mysql
Just published "How does Swift decode 'weird' JSON numbers?", looking at a tricky part of the JSON world: https://evanhahn.com/swift-weird-json-numbers/
Che cos'è un'applicazione a pagina singola ? Architettura, vantaggi e sfide
Un'applicazione a pagina singola (SPA) è un'app Web che viene presentata all'utente tramite una ...
#android #devops #HTML5 #java #javascript #jquery #JSON #MetodologiaAgile #php #seo #SinglePageApplication #SoftwareDeveloper #softwaredevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #userexperience #vuejs #XML
#android #devops #html5 #java #javascript #jquery #json #metodologiaagile #php #seo #singlepageapplication #softwaredeveloper #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #userexperience #vuejs #xml
Thibaut Arnoud will give you to an overview of validation in API Platform. In his talk, we will see how it's possible to validate requests before deserialization, thanks to #JSON Schema.
Join us at the #APIPlatformCon: https://api-platform.com/fr/con/2023
I've been working on a #json to #csv converter.
There are several options just a Google away, but they often freeze on large files or break on complicated schema. And then there's the trust factor.
The requirements:
- Works with large and complicated JSON files
- Open source, so you can trust that it's not saving your data nefariously
Activity Streams Working Group: #JSON Activity Streams 1.0
what happened between February https://activitystrea.ms/specs/atom/1.0/ and May #AD2011?
James M. Snell then #IBM, today "member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee" and json appeared.
#w3c #activitypub #ibm #AD2011 #json
compare two JSONs with jq #json #jq
"jq diff json"
JSON formatting in pure VCL is a PITA.
Just released: A #JSON formatter for #VCL which sucks less.
https://gitlab.com/uplex/varnish/libvmod-j #varnishcache #vmod #FOSS #opensource
Example from the README:
#json #vcl #varnishcache #vmod #foss #opensource
Che cos'è un'applicazione a pagina singola ? Architettura, vantaggi e sfide
Un'applicazione a pagina singola (SPA) è un'app Web che viene presentata all'utente tramite una ...
#android #devops #HTML5 #java #javascript #jquery #JSON #MetodologiaAgile #php #seo #SinglePageApplication #SoftwareDeveloper #softwaredevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #userexperience #vuejs #XML
#android #devops #html5 #java #javascript #jquery #json #metodologiaagile #php #seo #singlepageapplication #softwaredeveloper #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #userexperience #vuejs #xml
Found my invalid JSON issue.
It was me.
I was thinking I could pull the new OHMA #ACARS message out of the middle of the decoded message, but you cant, its #JSON inside JSON.
Well, I mean, you can, if you knew what you were doing, which I don't.
Im going to think if thats what I actually want to do for displaying it on my site or not.
Did not know about #JSON Type Definition. Simpler JSON Schema alternative that does not seem to have taken off. https://jsontypedef.com/
I'm starting to update all my VDL #ACARS stations to the latest #dumpvdl2 build (2.3.0)
You must also update #libacars for this new version.
Building both from source is the go.
Required versions are: dumpvdl2 2.3.0 (libacars 2.2.0)
Of course the big reason to do the update is to decode the OHMA messages from #Boeing #737MAX aircraft.
I see some routing info in there which is always nice.
Note: Im getting invalid #JSON via my #nodered. Looking into it.
#acars #dumpvdl2 #libacars #boeing #737max #json #nodered
Another #webdev API has been migrated over to our new API portal now. This one is for IP lookups. Hit the endpoint with an IPv4 or IPv6, and it'll return a #JSON containing its hostname and CIDR block, AS and ASN information, country, region and city information, and whether it's a known proxy server. Useful for country based access control, or defaulting checkout address fields, for example.
This also ties into the inherent disadvantage of the #fediverse compared to centralized services: processing and cost.
If I have n servers the absolute minimum number of messages that will need to be exchanged is Θ(n), all of that is in a #Json format that must be fully parsed and that is slow to parse even compared to other JSON formats. They each then need to store it individually.
A centralized social service doesn't need to do that and that is a _big_ cost savings.
Me, a #lawyer, doing totally normal lawyer things like branching a 1.0-dev branch from the #JSON metadata template file project repo.
Also, I don't like #gitlab. There needs to be an option to hide some of its complexity. #github never feels as overstuffed with features even though it probably is.
Anyone have a #json parser they’ve used in classic Mac OS (pre OS X) codebases? Working on a #retrocomputing project and wanted to check before I just grab json-c and build a #CodeWarrior project to compile it
#json #retrocomputing #codewarrior