📢 Landing tonight is the Packet Coders JSON Schema 101 (members-only) Tech Session. Learn how to use JSON Schema to validate your JSON data including identifiers, validations, definitions, and more! To join, head over to: https://buff.ly/3MJm0uF #networkautomation #jsonschema
#NetworkAutomation #jsonschema
📢 Landing this month on Packet Coders is the JSON Schema 101 (members-only) Tech Session. We will be diving into how to validate your JSON data using JSON Schema, including identifiers, validations, definitions, and more! To join, head over to: https://buff.ly/3MJm0uF #networkautomation #jsonschema
#NetworkAutomation #jsonschema
Wow! There is a json_schemer 2.0 PR with support for Draft 2020-12, OpenAPI 3.1 and output formation. David is on fire! #ruby #openapi #jsonschema
If the #ipfs project would expose a #jsonschema or #openapi spec, I could use a generator for generating a #rust API for the #kubo ipfs implementation, that would help.
But as they are not... 🤷♂️
#ipfs #jsonschema #openapi #rust #kubo
Next up on #APIDesignMatters: Master JSON Schema's Subtleties: a post on the more subtle nuances of #JSONSchema as a language for designing the data of #APIs. Knowing these details will help you understand other APIs’ schemas and help you construct your own.
Enjoy, and please subscribe and share!
#apidesignmatters #jsonschema #apis
Video's up for the talk I gave PGCon a couple weeks ago:
CiperhDoc: A Pattern for a Searchable, Encrypted JSON Document Service
I'm pretty happy with the design for this service and how it came together.
#Encryption #Privacy #personalData #PGCon #JSON #JSONPath #JSONSchema #PostgreSQL #Go
#encryption #privacy #personaldata #pgcon #json #jsonpath #jsonschema #postgresql #go
So, I’m putting something together.
Were I work we do lost of webpages that are forms. Lots and lots of forms. We use ad hoc solutions and takes lots of time.
So what I’m thinking is using JSON Schema based form generators in the front, and either a no-sql database or a relational based JSON Schema generator.
The idea is making some sort of seed project, batteries included.
#javascript #jsonschema #json #frontend #code #webdev
I realized in the course of digging into the details, that the same #typescript code can be used not only implement the new language, but also to generate the #jsonschema files, NPM module(s), and even, using #quicktype, model and de/serialization code for various other languages; Rust, Go, Swift, Dart, etc.
#QuickType #jsonschema #typescript
Next up in #APIDesignMatters: Learning the Language of API Data: On the road to becoming fluent with JSON Schema
I would love to have a JSON Schema validation library that supports draft 2020 in Ruby. There is https://github.com/santhosh-tekuri/boon in Rust. I don't know Rust, but what's the current way of integrating Rust in Ruby?
I know that Helix was archived. Now what?
#ruby #rust #jsonschema #rustlang
#ruby #rust #jsonschema #rustlang
joy, the new tests use urn: uris. Java URI does not support resolve on urn: uris... 😬
probably should update it more often.. ;-)
my json schema validator has 96 new test failures after updating the json schema test suite from https://github.com/json-schema-org/JSON-Schema-Test-Suite 😲
@nek if you're trying to validate data I's rather have something built for that like #JSONschema
[TIP] : Need to embed a JSON editor based on React and your own JSONSchema ?
Utilize Monaco, the vscode core editor framework and you're done with a few lines of code :
#react #jsonschema #monaco #json
@christianseiler@mastodontech.The backend-first approach that generates .d.ts from #Java is super fast for us, #TypeScript files are version controlled and easy to share. #JsonSchema seems like a bigger overhead. Also, it doesn't support some features that both #Java and #TypeScript do, e.g. inheritance
Eventful week last one! I turned 40, and #OPA turned v0.50.0! Lots of good stuff in this release, like new built-in functions for JSON schema verification, a new shorthand syntax for fetching remote bundles, performance improvements, and more. Check it out!
#OpenPolicyAgent #JSONSchema #Rego
#opa #OpenPolicyAgent #jsonschema #Rego
Implement #OpenApi specs with a few clicks and publish your database schemas to #jsonschema #Swagger #SmartBear #swaggerhub: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO8Ri7t6OAg
#openapi #jsonschema #swagger #smartbear #swaggerhub
In the context of responding to @helge #FEP proposal I bumped into a paper by Samuel M. Smith about the role of #LinkedData wrt the #W3C #VerifiableCredentials spec and thought about your earlier musings when exploring #ActivityPub and how #JSONSchema might have been used.
Sam's TL;DR is:
> The VC standard appears to be an adoption vector for Linked Data, not the other way around.
Might find it an interesting read:
And he claims the same applies to W3C #DID.
#FEP #linkeddata #w3c #verifiablecredentials #activitypub #jsonschema #did
@thepracticaldev neat! Have you looked into using a #jsonschema for that data?