Honeypot launched their #React documentary on Wednesday at #JSWorld in Amsterdam. Yesterday evening, they released it on YouTube:
It tells a great story about how React was on the cusp of losing the internal framework battle at Facebook and was widely rejected by the JS community after it was open-sourced.
10 years later, React is the leading front-end framework, like it or not. Kudos to Facebook and all the lovely folks featured in the documentary.
#JSWorld today was a mixed bag. A couple of stellar talks, but also mediocre sponsor talks.
Venue was great, especially that gigantic screen.
At #JSWorld, @eliancodes introduces @astro to us.
Phenomenal talk and I really want to give #Astro a spin.
I've often thought #tRPC seems cool, but I can't use it because my backend is in #golang.
My favorite thing about #graphql is having shared types between the client and server, but the complexity of using it (especially in go) is high.
I just watched @dimitropoulos talk at #JSWorld about using #protobuf and #gRPC on the web using https://github.com/bufbuild/connect-web and I'm pretty intrigued. Guarantees on the shape of my data? JSON serialization? Generated #TanstackQuery clients? Yes, please.
#tRPC #golang #graphql #jsworld #protobuf #grpc #tanstackquery
Chance Strickland from Remix talking about blurring the line between frontend and backend at #JSWorld in Amsterdam.
Lot’s of similarities between Remix and #SvelteKit.
The center-stack framework future is bright.
I will hop on a train tomorrow morning and attend the first day of #JSWorld in Amsterdam.
If you are going too, send me a DM and let’s meet up.
Will be attending #JSworld conference next week soaking up the newest in #javascript ecosystem and hopefully getting some useful insights for Metalsmith.js and who knows, forging meaningful #OSS bonds. Static site generator represent!
We're excited to share that in a few weeks Dimitri (one of the MiTS organizers) will be presenting at JSWorld! Amsterdam is a bit of a trek from Michigan, but we'll be sure to share a video of the talk once it's uploaded! #jsworld #jsworldconference
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/jsworld-conference-2022-part-i
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Originally posted by HackerNoon | Will NOT Insert LINKS in HN stories / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1538386128981598209#m
"JSWorld Conference 2022: Part I"cc: @cjihrig @NegarDev @dexterlabsnl https://hackernoon.com/jsworld-conference-2022-part-i #jsworld #javascript
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/jsworld-conference-2022-part-ii
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Originally posted by HackerNoon | Will NOT Insert LINKS in HN stories / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1537872773376315393#m
"JSWorld Conference 2022: Part II"cc: @lauragift_ @AnfibiaCreativa @Stacy_Cash https://hackernoon.com/jsworld-conference-2022-part-ii #jsworld #javascript
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/jsworld-conference-2022-part-iii
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Originally posted by HackerNoon | Will NOT Insert LINKS in HN stories / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1537842558965100545#m
"JSWorld Conference 2022: Part III"cc: @_maxgallo @BatsouElef @jemimaabu https://hackernoon.com/jsworld-conference-2022-part-iii #jsworld #javascript
Referenced link: https://hackernoon.com/jsworld-conference-2022-part-iv
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Originally posted by HackerNoon | Will NOT Insert LINKS in HN stories / @hackernoon@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/hackernoon/status/1537812349284917249#m
"JSWorld Conference 2022: Part IV"cc: @GHengeveld @wswebcreation @samuelsnopko https://hackernoon.com/jsworld-conference-2022-part-iv #jsworld #javascript