JTA 47, from NGO to OKA 日本トランスオーシャン航空 47便 中部名古屋 発 沖縄那覇 行 https://www.alojapan.com/801575/jta-47-from-ngo-to-oka-%e6%97%a5%e6%9c%ac%e3%83%88%e3%83%a9%e3%83%b3%e3%82%b9%e3%82%aa%e3%83%bc%e3%82%b7%e3%83%a3%e3%83%b3%e8%88%aa%e7%a9%ba-47%e4%be%bf-%e4%b8%ad%e9%83%a8%e5%90%8d%e5%8f%a4%e5%b1%8b/
#japan #trance #ocean #airlines #jal #jta #rac #ryukyu #air #commuter #ngo #oka #chubu #nagoya #okinawa #naha
#Naha #Nahadestinations #Nahatour #Nahatravel #Nahatrip #Nahavacation #那覇
#japan #trance #ocean #airlines #jal #jta #rac #ryukyu #air #commuter #ngo #oka #chubu #nagoya #okinawa #naha #nahadestinations #nahatour #nahatravel #nahatrip #nahavacation #那覇
Wow, this #JTA story is pretty incredible, asking though questions about how far we should stretch when it comes to working in alliances with those with different values and norms.
On a side note, reading this makes me want to make some requests for the FBI files of some of my favorite, but sadly not-well known, #peace and solidarity activists.
Amazing: newly-discovered photos of the #WarsawGhetto uprising are the only known such pictures to have been taken by anybody other than the Nazis. I do wish the #JTA article would have included information about how we can view the photos!
#Shoah #Holocaust #Poland #photos #history #journalism #photography
#warsawghetto #jta #shoah #holocaust #poland #photos #history #journalism #photography
🇧🇯🗳️ Les Béninois se rendront aux urnes, ce dimanche, pour des élections législatives très attendues. ➡️ La correspondance d'@EmmanuelleSodji pour le #JTA, à retrouver en intégralité ici : https://f24.my/99np.t https://nitter.net/France24_fr/status/1611339423647502337/video/1