#JTD911 Reg.: OY-JZM ● Type: 737NG 8K5/W ● Operator: JetTime ● Route: OUL-TFS Oulu Airport to Tenerife-South Airport (Reina Sofia Airport) ● is 1.1 km away @ 10972.8 m and 84.1° from horizon, heading SW @ 963.1km/h 09:23:37 (CET). #WayTheHeckUpThere #FlyingFast #AboveGRQ #ADSB #dump1090
#jtd911 #waytheheckupthere #flyingfast #abovegrq #adsb #dump1090
Flight: #JTD911
ICAO: #45AB53
Callsign: #JET TIME
JetTime 🇩🇰
#OUL to #TFS
Speed: 789 kmh
Alt: 10973 m
Dist: 6.1 km
∆: 60.9°
->: SSW
Track: http://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=45AB53&lat=50.983&lon=4.447&zoom=10.5&showTrace=2023-02-21
Seen: 3x
#tfs #oul #jet #45ab53 #jtd911
#JTD911 : 5.4 km away @ 10972.8 m and 64.0° frm hrzn, heading SW @ 963.1km/h 10:37:21. #WayTheHeckUpThere #FlyingFast #AboveGRQ #ADSB #dump1090
#jtd911 #waytheheckupthere #flyingfast #abovegrq #adsb #dump1090