a favor y en contra del gran estilo https://cuadernoshispanoamericanos.com/a-favor-y-en-contra-del-gran-estilo/
#javiermarías #juanbenet #gonzalotorné
#gonzalotorne #juanbenet #javiermarias
ETHGlobal Hackathon Kicks Off in Tokyo With First Ever Pragma Summit - As previously announced by ETHGlobal, the first-ever Pragma summit kicked off the ... - https://news.bitcoin.com/ethglobal-hackathon-kicks-off-in-tokyo-with-first-ever-pragma-summit/ #ethereumfoundation #balajisrinivasan #decentralization #digitalgarage #stanikulechov #ayamiyaguchi #kartiktalwar #japancrypto #programming #ethglobal #hackathon #juanbenet #shibuya #coding #tokyo #news
#news #tokyo #coding #shibuya #juanbenet #hackathon #ethglobal #programming #japancrypto #kartiktalwar #ayamiyaguchi #stanikulechov #digitalgarage #decentralization #balajisrinivasan #ethereumfoundation
Los cuadernos de Vieco
El novelista y el pensador. Juan Benet
Llamo novelista al poeta, al hombre que con la palabra ha querido recrear, inventar, e investigar; y hay otro individuo que con un conocimiento derivado de...
Protocol Labs, Chainalysis and Bittrex add to crypto layoff season - Crypto execs suggested that the "extremely challenging" times for... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/protocol-labs-chainalysis-and-bittrex-add-to-crypto-layoff-season #maddiekennedy #cryptolayoffs #cryptowinter #chainalysis #crypto.com #juanbenet #richielai #coinbase #bittrex #jobcuts #forbes #huobi #luno
#luno #huobi #forbes #jobcuts #bittrex #coinbase #richielai #juanbenet #crypto #chainalysis #cryptowinter #cryptolayoffs #maddiekennedy