Evening, Toots! Well, today was a bit meh. A recovery day, mainly. That happens. My lovely partner was very busy, and tonight will be clean sheet day, so that’s something to look forward to!
The #BroochOfTheDay sums it up really… a new one to me from the wonderful Tasha at #JublyUmph in Daylesford. “Yeah Nah!”
Today’s #BroochOfTheDay is another from Tasha at #JublyUmph, from her recently released Bookish Animals series. Since the pandemic started I’ve been reading a lot of #AudioBooks. I started because I couldn’t use the local #library when lockdowns were happening, and then discovered I enjoyed the format. And with the #LibbyApp and #Borrowbox, there are often titles available I can’t access otherwise.
#broochoftheday #jublyumph #audiobooks #library #libbyapp #borrowbox
#BroochOfTheDay time! Today a new #Brooch from wonderful Australian designer #JublyUmph, based in #Daylesford, Victoria. This is one from her new “Bookish Animals” collection. I feel this “Hermiting” crab has summed up what I’ve been up to lately…
#broochoftheday #brooch #jublyumph #daylesford
Today's brooch is an enamel pin by Australian designer Jubly-Umph. I love the details Tash puts into her designs - the tiny scissors above the banner here, the skulls at the sides, and crossed hammer and saw. And yes, I'm definitely a Work In Progress!
#BroochOfTheDay #Brooch #LapelPins #JublyUmph
#broochoftheday #brooch #lapelpins #jublyumph