The AJL-JTS Judaica Librarian Certificate Program is seeking a PT Project Coordinator. A great opportunity to be involved in a pioneering librarianship program.
BA with some knowledge of Libraries. Interpersonal, organizational and office skills. Excellent oral & written communication skills. $25,000/yr + benefits.
Send resume and cover letter to Naomi Steinberger ( .
@jewishlibraries @jtsvoice #JudaicaLibrarianship #Jobposting #jobalert #LibrarianshipTraining
#librarianshiptraining #jobalert #jobposting #judaicalibrarianship
If are you attending the 54th Annual Association for Jewish Studies Conference (December 18-20) there is a great opportunity to learn about alt-ac careers in libraries and archives!
Join me and my colleagues Dec 19, 5pm at the "Varieties of Careers in Judaica Librarianship and Archives"!
Sponsored by Association of Jewish Libraries
#alt_accareers #judaicalibrarianship
If are you attending the 54th Annual Association for Jewish Studies Conference (December 18-20) there is a great opportunity to learn about alt-ac careers in libraries and archives!
Join me and my colleagues Dec 19, 5pm at the "Varieties of Careers in Judaica Librarianship and Archives"!
Sponsored by Association of Jewish Libraries
#alt_accareers #judaicalibrarianship
Books About Books: Libraries and Readers in Interwar Yiddish Paris
Thursday, December 15, 2022
9:30 am PT / 12:30 pm ET / 7:30 pm Israel Time
Nick Underwood will describe the spectrum of leftist Yiddish-language libraries in Paris and explore the divisions and the collaborations among them.
This session is sponsored by @JewishLibraries RAS Division and is for members only.
#Judaicalibrarianship #Yiddish #YiddishLibraries #bookhistory
#bookhistory #yiddishlibraries #yiddish #judaicalibrarianship
Books About Books: Libraries and Readers in Interwar Yiddish Paris
Thursday, December 15, 2022
9:30 am PT / 12:30 pm ET / 7:30 pm Israel Time
Nick Underwood will describe the spectrum of leftist Yiddish-language libraries in Paris and explore the divisions and the collaborations among them.
This session is sponsored by @JewishLibraries RAS Division and is for members only.
#Judaicalibrarianship #Yiddish #YiddishLibraries #bookhistory @academicchatter
#bookhistory #yiddishlibraries #yiddish #judaicalibrarianship
It's always nice to learn how Judaica collections develop - in terms of more physical items, physical space, or chaired library position.
Congratulations to @FordhamLibrary @FordhamJS
on the opening of the Henry S. Miller Judaica Research Room
It's always nice to learn how Judaica collections develop - in terms of more physical items, physical space, or chaired library position.
Congratulations to @FordhamLibrary @FordhamJS
on the opening of the Henry S. Miller Judaica Research Room
r/t @NYPL_DorotJWS
""Celebrating 125 Years of the Dorot Jewish Division"
By Dr. Lyudmila Sholokhova, Curator.
Join us on Dec. 14 to celebrate in person and online!"
r/t @NYPL_DorotJWS
""Celebrating 125 Years of the Dorot Jewish Division"
By Dr. Lyudmila Sholokhova, Curator.
Join us on Dec. 14 to celebrate in person and online!"
Been Cataloging a Syriac translation of the Book of Chronicles (Peshita). It's a new work - critical work with an English translation. The challenge I had was in formulating the subject heading.
#Jewishstudies #cataloging #Librarianship #Judaicalibrarianship
#judaicalibrarianship #librarianship #cataloging #jewishstudies