Michael Strassfeld talking about his upcoming book : A Spiritual Manifesto for the 21st Century on the Judaism Unbound podcast.

With a preorder discount! 😺​ Let's disrupt Judaism together 😽​



#judaismdisrupted #Mazeldon #bookstodon #jewish #podcast #judaismunbound

Last updated 2 years ago

Working on by Michael Strassfeld (of Jewish Catalog fame!)...

Some fun disrupting of Judaism before Shabbat.

"Rabbinic Judaism was meant to be portable; it could be carried wherever Jews traveled in the world.

Now, we need a Judaism that is permeable, allowing the outside
world to easily interact with the inner world of Jewish life. How do we live in an open society?"


#judaismdisrupted #Mazeldon #jewish #jewishbooks

Last updated 2 years ago

Strong statements:

"I no longer understand Judaism as a system of law and obligation."

- Rabbi Michael Strassfeld in Judaism Disrupted, coming February 2023.


#jewish #judaismdisrupted #jewishbooks #jewishbookmonth #Mazeldon

Last updated 2 years ago

* Angels INSIDE Jacob
* A really telling Freudian slip in Jacob's dream
* We tell you the date when we're going to disrupt Judaism

We mean, we kind of disrupt Judaism every day, but this is going to be special.

It's freeee, signups here:


#parsha #jewish #vayeitzei #vayetze #Mazeldon #angels #judaismdisrupted

Last updated 2 years ago

What are we reading this evening - Looking through advance copies of by Rabbi Michael Strassfeld! Exciting!

(We considered sharing our time to first typo but decided against it! Publishing life....)

#judaismdisrupted #jewish #Mazeldon #bookcovers #nonfiction #writingcommunity #publishing

Last updated 2 years ago