#introduction I'm Izzy! I'm a kitchen witch, wife, and mom, also #pansexual. I am the host of a DID system, though as yet it doesn't have a name. Feel free to ask me questions! My curiosity in the kitchen is only limited by my sensory/texture aversions, and I am NOT fond of vegetables. I grew up on Godzilla and Sailor Moon: this is the span of my craziness. I am a #quaker and my logic is that I cannot ask for respect if I am unwilling to freely give it.
I'm an unpublished writer, mostly romance but with some historically accurate points, occasionally my works stray into kaiju and sci-fi elements as well. From this creative pastime has sprung a massive love of Dungeons and Dragons and other TTRPGs, and as such I'm a massive nerd! #paganfriendly #ally #KitchenWitch #judgementfree #safespacemom #dungeonsanddragons #ttrpg #nerd
#introduction #pansexual #quaker #paganfriendly #ally #KitchenWitch #judgementfree #safespacemom #dungeonsanddragons #ttrpg #nerd
@gymger we just out here sharing our hearts today eh? Shame be damned 💪🏼 #judgementfree