I think back to reading old issues of Judges Guild Pegasus magazines. Those were filled with any kind of stuff for "the game", and often that meant new monsters and new classes. The classes was often odd in that way class based systems tend to be, where you shoehorn everything into a class.
But, the monsters fascinate me. Many times they are nothing but a bag of hit points, and a hard to pronounce name. What drove those creations? How where they used?
#judgesguild #pegasusmagazine #monsters
New arrivals! Judges Guild items and a very cool old catalog.
American Creative Games Catalog. The hottest #ttrpgs, Board Games, and Computer games in the Spring of 1983.
Book of Treasure Maps II. 5 scenarios.
Escape from Astigar's Lair. Tournament module at Michicon VIII.
The Dungeoneer. Compendium of Issues 1-6 Adventures, articles, and monsters (including the Vorpal Bunny)
#dungeonsAndDragons #shopsmall #dnd #dungeonmaster #judgesguild
#ttrpgs #dungeonsAndDragons #shopsmall #DnD #dungeonmaster #judgesguild
One thing I will do with my Foreven sector is move any classic adventure that isn’t in a nearby sector into it. Especially third party ones whose planets are no longer canon.
Legends of the Sky Raiders, Corsairs of the Turku Wastes, etc.
What are some of your favorite 3rd party Traveller adventures?
#TTRG #Traveller #Traveller5 #Foreven #Adventures #FASA #JudgesGuild #ClassicTraveller
#ttrg #traveller #traveller5 #foreven #adventures #fasa #judgesguild #ClassicTraveller
Some adventures are so loved that they've been reprinted and improved on by several different game companies.
One of these adventures is Tegel Manor. Read all about it here (with alt text) :
#dungeonsAndDragons #judgesguild #ttrpg #adventure #hauntedhouse #shopsmall
#dungeonsAndDragons #judgesguild #ttrpg #adventure #hauntedhouse #shopsmall
#FridayFaction: Judges Guild’s Bob & Bill – A Cautionary Tale—A review of the memoir by Bill Owen about his time with Judges Guild in the early years.
#reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #rpg #RPGhistory #JudgesGuild #JG
#ttrpg #ttrpgs
#FridayFaction #reviewsfromrlyeh #rpgreview #rpgreviews #rpg #RPGhistory #judgesguild #JG #ttrpg #ttrpgs
If you could sit down and play any dungeon right now with your best friends, what would it be?
#ttrpg #osr #judgesguild #DnD #adnd #Arduin #dungeon23
20. How I got into #TTRPG. When I was 6, my mother dated a guy whose son had just bought #JudgesGuild's Tegel Manor, which he ran whilst the adults were away. A few years later, my mother saw a flyer for a group at the library, and suggested I sign up… just in time for the #SatanicPanic, which she eagerly pursued, loving little more than giving her kids enough rope before turning on them. She didn't expect I'd love TTRPGs far more than I did her. #ForeverGamer #gtkm
#ttrpg #judgesguild #satanicpanic #forevergamer #gtkm
I really wish I would stop discovering critically useful #RPG supplements were written by or had their rights owned by either nazis or sexual predators. I want to use #JudgesGuild materials to populate a hex crawl and I want to use #Vornheim for a city adventure but y'know, ethics
#rpg #judgesguild #vornheim #dnd