Judge who approved raid on Kansas newspaper has history of DUI arrests
Story by Chance Swaim, The Wichita Eagle
Judge Laura Viar, who was appointed on Jan. 1 to fill a vacant 8th Judicial District magistrate seat, was arrested at least twice for DUI in two different Kansas counties in 2012...
The first arrest — in Coffey County... southeast of her home in Council Grove, on Jan. 25, 2012 — has not been reported.
#JudgeViar #LauraViar #LauraAllen #MarionKansas #CoffeyCounty #WichitaEagle
#wichitaeagle #coffeycounty #marionkansas #lauraallen #lauraviar #judgeviar
@adhdeanasl I've read that her warrant violated federal law, so this will come back at her. However, why she signed? The white people in the pontoon boat in the Battle of Montgomery are the most recent reminder that the primary feature of Privilege is the certainty that "F around" is never followed by "Find out." Judge Laura E. Viar.