#Moin in die Runde.
Der Tag startet mit klassischem #Metal von #Judicator. Deren letztes Album hat mich mehr überzeugt als die letzten Blind Guardian Alben.
#NowPlaying Judicator - Let there be nothing (Album)
#moin #metal #judicator #NowPlaying
Video Roundup: Type O Negative / Depuration / Judicator / Vėlių Namai / Sugar Horse / Lansdowne
Good grief, where do we start today? So much to pick from! Here we go...
Type O Negative
On March 13th 2007, American gothic metal band Type O Negative released their seventh
#Videos #Depuration #Judicator #Lansdowne #SugarHorse #TypeONegative #VėliųNamai
#veliunamai #typeonegative #sugarhorse #Lansdowne #judicator #depuration #videos
From #Arizona, #Judicator bring some awesome #PowerMetal to melt the brain. I am not that enamored with their newest released. Yet. But here is an older music video. Enjoy! #Metal #IndieMusician
#indiemusician #Metal #powermetal #judicator #Arizona
O primeiro álbum dessa banda me chamou a atenção como alguma coisa que vale a pena ouvir.
Infelizmente Dali em diante, sempre me pareceu, que eles emulavam o #blindguardian só que de uma forma bem cansativa
Ouvi pouco tempo um single novo desse álbum: "The High Priestess"
Voltei a me interessar..
#blindguardian #judicator #metalprogresivo
Feast upon your monthly best of metal buffet! The November #MetalMatters is out and @AlterAnthony and Spyros have featured something for everyone. 🔥🤘
#Metal #MonthlyBestOf #BestOfNovember #PopMatters #BlackAnvil #CityOfIndustry #Disillusion #Dysgnostic #FellRuin #Haavard #HighCommand #Judicator #Kampfar #Kamra #Lucifericon #Lykotonon #Mycelium #Ofdrykkja #Skythala #SteppenDoom #Terrörhammer #Tiwanaku #Vittra
#Vittra #tiwanaku #terrorhammer #steppendoom #Skythala #Ofdrykkja #mycelium #lykotonon #lucifericon #kamra #Kampfar #judicator #highcommand #haavard #FellRuin #Dysgnostic #disillusion #cityofindustry #BlackAnvil #popmatters #bestofnovember #monthlybestof #metal #MetalMatters