I will miss #JudyWoodruff on #PBSNewshour, but I'm sure Amna Nawaz will do a great job as the new anchor! This is one of the few news programs I watch daily, so I'm sad to see her leave the program. I usually watch it the following morning on the PBS app since I don't have cable or a decent antenna.
Thank you, #JudyWoodruff! Catching up with the #PBSNewsHour is a morning ritual, and Melissa and I can’t wait to see the results of your next project. #PBS #journalism
#judywoodruff #pbsnewshour #pbs #journalism
I started watching #PBSNewsHour this year because I wanted a reliable, informative, and objective take on world events.
PBS News Hour is by far my preferred international news source and I feel like Judy Woodruff and the team have raised my expectations of journalists and set a high bar for high quality journalism.
#JudyWoodruff #journalism #reporting
Judy Woodruff's goodbye message to viewers as she departs NewsHour anchor desk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzo_f92h4lQ
#pbsnewshour #judywoodruff #journalism #reporting
Judy Woodruff is an icon in journalism in an era where unbiased reporting and integrity seem to be a rare commodity.
Truly a class act: https://youtu.be/xzo_f92h4lQ #journalism #journalists #publictelevision #pbs #pbsnewshour #civic #citizenship #judywoodruff #classact
#classact #judywoodruff #citizenship #civic #pbsnewshour #pbs #publictelevision #journalists #journalism
Judy Woodruff’s exemplary tenure as anchor of the vaunted PBS Newshour ended tonight. I’m sorry to see her leave the big desk but look forward to her future journalistic contributions. Thank you, Ms. Woodruff, you’re going to be a hard act to follow! #pbs #pbsnewshour #judywoodruff https://youtu.be/xzo_f92h4lQ
#judywoodruff #pbsnewshour #pbs
😭#judywoodruff, I will miss you terribly. Our 3 pm daily time together has meant the world to me. “Thank you” doesn’t begin to cover it. #pbsnewshour
As a long time fan/viewer, really fell in love with #judywoodruff during the 2004 election cycle; I've grown more than accustomed to her I've grown to trust her instincts as a journalist. She's been a clear, steady voice during some of the most tumultuous and complex events of the day, never wavering. The #pbsnewshour torch wasn't just passed to her and Gwen Ifill but was raised by their drive to promote better understanding of the world around us. We're all better because of her contributions.
#pbs #newsHour in the #US covered Scotland’s status today more than #BBC world news radio. Per #JudyWoodruff #Scotland status is now #semiautonomous.
Like some sort of #Facebook relationship status, yet, true enough. Maybe it should also be “available to less abusive relationship”. 🏴
#facebook #Semiautonomous #scotland #judywoodruff #bbc #us #newshour #pbs
#pbs #newsHour in the #US covered Scotland’s status today more than #BBC world news radio. Per #JudyWoodruff #Scotland status is now #semi-autonomous.
Like some sort of #Facebook relationship status, yet, true enough. Maybe it should also be “available to less abusive relationship”. 🏴
#facebook #semi #scotland #judywoodruff #bbc #us #newshour #pbs
Sad to see #judywoodruff leave the #PBSnewshour at the end of 2022, but thrilled to see #AmnaNawaz and #GeoffBennett as the new anchor team! Great choices!
#judywoodruff #pbsnewshour #amnanawaz #geoffbennett