#jukeboxfriaynight #thatfirsttime First concert, Clapton and Carlos Santana in Denver .
#jukeboxfriaynight #thatfirsttime
#jukeboxfriaynight #ItTakesTwo
David Bowie & Freddie Mercury - Under Pressure
#ItTakesTwo #jukeboxfriaynight
@explorergrace @whatthehall @harkanwal speaking of… I’m highly likely to either a) forget it’s Friday, or b) not have any wifi, so whomever feels like firing it up on #jukeboxfriaynight with a theme of their choice will have my gratitude!
Love the #Sitar, Here's Ravi Shankar's daughter #AnoushkaShankar at the Concert for George 2002,
with Jeff Lynn & George's son Dhani Harrison, covering the #Beatles with a full Indian Orchestra not sure if it fits #JukeboxFriayNight though?
#sitar #anoushkashankar #beatles #jukeboxfriaynight