The video from my #JuliaCon talk `LotteryTickets.jl: Sparsify Your Flux Models` is now available!
The repo can be found here:
#juliacon #Julia #julialang #ml #deeplearning
At first, I was a bit skeptical of the new Modular's #Mojo language.
Having no binaries available (only a playground), and a long history of #Python contenders such as #PyPy or Pyston that never achieved full compatibility... was a huge turnoff.
The amount of Python compilers that never reach 100% compatibility is almost hilarious.
Having seen the tremendous amount of effort behind #Julialang, and how little is its community compared to Python's... adds on top of that.
#mojo #python #pypy #julialang
Numerical integration of Gaussian distribution from -1 to 1 with pure Mojo and Python.
The compiled Mojo implementation is ~9x faster than the interpreted Python implementation.
Implementations are kept as same as possible.
The time spent by Julia implementation is nearly equal to the time spent by Mojo.
:python: :julia:
Skylar Gering discusses SubZero.jl, a package to simulate ice flows which is soon to be released. Shown are two simulations. One, on the right, contains 4 islands which are missing on the left. Despite being barely visible they clearly obstruct flow. The islands are present on the real Earth. #julialang #juliacon #climate
Simon Byrne, CliMA lead programmer, discusses extending Julia's broadcast operator for best performance of Earth system models on GPU clusters. I imagine, or perhaps hope, this is another emerging design pattern for climate modeling.
All or most videos from JuliaCon 2023 are now available on YouTube (
The image is from a talk by Gregory Wagner, author of Oceananigans. It shows what may become a dominant design idea in CliMA. It shows the connection between customizible fields in a model constructor and the terms of the PDE on which the model is based. #climate #julia #julialang
[NOTIZIE] Il linguaggio di programmazione Julia debutta nella top 20 dell'indice TIOBE
"Il linguaggio di programmazione Julia si è assicurato per la prima volta un posto nell'ambita top 20 del TIOBE Index (Agosto 2023).
Questo storico risultato segna un'importante pietra miliare per Julia, un linguaggio di programmazione che esiste da poco più di un decennio."
[Articolo in inglese]
Small #JuliaLang tip: if you want to write several vectors to the same file, assuming that the dimensions coincide, you can do this just with
open("path", "w") do io
writedlm(io, [x y z])
**But! The command [x y z] generates a matrix, thus allocating a lot of memory**. Luckily, writedlm also accepts zip(x,y,z), which does the same and is orders of magnitude faster, since it does not allocate memory! #julia
We’ve a new update on our whole farm liming project, FA099 “WA Farm Data Sharing” out now! Of interest to my general community here, we’ve written a few API clients and a Monté Carlo simulation model in Julia to simulate whole farm liming application strategies.
Managing soil pH is incredibly important for crop production and liming is a big investment that pays off over long periods of time. So this project aims to help farmers make liming decisions.
Early release notes for Julia v1.11
The entry point for Julia has been standardized to Main.main(ARGS). When #JuliaLang is invoked to run a script or expression (i.e. using julia script.jl or julia -e expr), julia will subsequently run the Main.main function automatically if...
(1/2) Julia Bootcamp 🚀🚀🚀
While googling about Bayesian statistics, I found this awesome resource - Julia for Economists Bootcamp by Cameron Pfiffer. The course was recorded as part of Julia's sessions at Stanford's GSB. The course covers the following topics:
✅ Julia basics
✅ Parallelization
✅ Optimization and Automatic Differentiation
✅ High-performance Julia
✅ Computational Bayesian statistics
#DataScience #statistics #bayesian #julialang
#WomenInDataScience (WiDS) Datathon is approaching!
This year's topic is #EquityInHealthcare
#Datathon #Rstats #python #Julialang #WomenInTech
#womenindatascience #equityinhealthcare #Datathon #rstats #python #julialang #womenintech
#NeuroAnalyzer v0.23.9 has been released
#julialang #nirs #eeg #neuroanalyzer
A very common question in many forums is why some languages, such as #JuliaLang, doesn't compute 0.1 + 0.2 - 0.3 correctly. Check for my latest video and post on the subject.
#floatingpoint #scientificcomputing #julialang
Julia people should register .jl as a tld with ICANN and rigg it so packages automatically have a redirect from that domain to the relevant source (subject to some package use metric perhaps)
It would be cool to have DifferentialEquations.js to redirect to
How to move .julia folder to another partition in Ubuntu? #diskusage #chromebook #julialang
#diskusage #chromebook #julialang
In #julialang the content of your matrices is not limited by the amount of computer memory, you can create a matrix of a size given by your hard drive using
mmap(Matrix{Float64}, (n, m)).
All the tools of linear algebra will be automatically defined on this matrix.
Introduction time! Hello fediscience members! I'm a new member in this instance, but I'm not new in the fediverse. I migrated from to this instance. There's nothing wrong, I just needed a place where I can post in English and Spanish. I'm an Assistant Professor at CSU Stan. I usually post about #Rstats, #Quarto , #Linux, #juliaLang, #python, #psychology, #bayesian, #aging, #dementia, #mentalHealth, and other topics that I find interesting in #science.
#science #mentalhealth #dementia #aging #bayesian #psychology #python #julialang #linux #Quarto #rstats
I moved instances, so here's an #introduction again. Currently I’m employed as a Bioeconomic modeller for the state of Western Australia in Perth working in agricultural systems. I have training in #agronomy, #PlantPathology, #Epidemiology and #GIS. Interested in using and promoting #OpenScience, #ReproducibleResearch, #OpenSource, and #OpenAccess. I use #RStats and #JuliaLang for my work.
#introduction #agronomy #PlantPathology #Epidemiology #gis #OpenScience #ReproducibleResearch #opensource #openaccess #rstats #julialang