Till Grallert · @tillgrallert
517 followers · 1003 posts · Server digitalcourage.social

@offenesMA @robertcasties ich habe da eine XSLT Implementation für die Umrechnung on gregorianischen, altem und neuem julianischen, hijri, osmanischem Finanzkalender und koptischem Kalender für TEI Editionen geschrieben. Die Konverter sind allerdings unabhängig von TEI: github.com/tillgrallert/xslt-c

#ottomanfiscalcalendar #copticcalendar #hijri #gregoriancalendar #juliancalendar #tei #xml #calendar

Last updated 1 year ago

Jewterpretor · @jewterpretor
375 followers · 446 posts · Server babka.social

= Eastern Orthodox Christians, who follow the (a calendar developed under Julius Caesar); the modified it very slightly to correct for solar drift (the Julian has 1 too many leap days every 400 years or so), but as an innovation of the Roman Catholic Church the Orthodox denominations did not adopt it.


#mizrachichristians #juliancalendar #gregoriancalendar

Last updated 2 years ago

H. Minchin · @HMinchin
183 followers · 100 posts · Server mastodon.online

The Orthodox Church Of Ukraine has given permission to parishes to hold services on the 's 25th December - the same day as western Europe - if they wish. The uses the which has more leap years, so the Julian 25th December falls on the Gregorian 7th January. The move reflects attitudes towards Russia & Russian culture.

Imagine the meeting that has to make the decision!


#vestry #juliancalendar #church #gregoriancalendar #christmas

Last updated 2 years ago