Focus "Industrie du X" 1/5
Boogie Nights (1998)
Nostalgie d’une époque révolue (…) de très beaux portraits à travers un regard bienveillant.
#BoogieNights #MarkWahlberg #BurtReynolds #JulianneMoore #HeatherGraham #JohnCReilly #DonCheadle #PhilipSeymourHoffman #Film #Cinema
#boogienights #markwahlberg #burtreynolds #juliannemoore #heathergraham #johncreilly #doncheadle #philipseymourhoffman #film #cinema
RT if you want Dodgson and Dr. Sarah Harding from Jurassic Park to get hitched. I'm trying to see something. #JurassicPark #Dodgson #CameronThor #SarahHarding #JulianneMoore
#jurassicpark #dodgson #cameronthor #sarahharding #juliannemoore
Natalie Portman e Julianne Moore in May December (2023) per la regia di Todd Haynes
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #ToddHaynes #NataliePortman #JulianneMoore #ChristopherBlauvelt #MayDecember #Cannes2023
#film #movie #cinema #cinefilo #ToddHaynes #natalieportman #juliannemoore #christopherblauvelt #maydecember #cannes2023
#DomhnallGleeson has joined the cast of #EchoValley, starring #JulianneMoore & #SydneySweeney, from #MareOfEasttown creator #BradIngelsby.
Gleeson will play Jackie, a local criminal who forces himself into Kate’s life, disrupting her quiet existence with secrets about her family.
#bradingelsby #MareOfEasttown #sydneysweeney #juliannemoore #echovalley #domhnallgleeson
キャリー CARRIE (2013) 劇場パンフレット 映画チラシ クロエ・グレース・モレッツ
#AlexRussell #carrie #ChloëGraceMoretz #juliannemoore #KimberlyPeirce #きゃりー #クロエ・グレース・モレッツ #ジュリアン・ムーア #劇場パンフレット #映画チラシ
#alexrussell #carrie #chloegracemoretz #juliannemoore #kimberlypeirce #きゃりー #クロエ・グレース・モレッツ #ジュリアン・ムーア #劇場パンフレット #映画チラシ
It's a year since my co-edited volume on #ToddHaynes came out from #DukeUnivPress, and it's time for their 50% off sale! So here is my shameless pitch for those of you who haven't got a copy yet. You get half off all your Duke books if you use coupon code SPRING23 through April 17.
You can order from the US site (; if you're outside the US, from #CombinedAcademicPublishers (
This book was a labor of love for the editors and contributors, so I hope it can reach its readers. Thanks all for buying, liking, supporting, reviewing, and boosting. :heart_cyber:
#Film #IndieFilm #QueerFilm #FeministFilm #FilmStudies #Feminism #Whiteness #TelevisionStudies #HBO #KillerFilms #NewQueerCinema #JulianneMoore #CateBlanchett #KateWinslet #ChristineVachon #Carol #VelvetGoldmine #FarFromHeaven #Safe #SuperstarTheKarenCarpenterStory #Wonderstruck #DottieGetsSpanked #ImNotThere #MildredPierce @movies @queerstudies @filmeundserien @film @filmstudies
#ToddHaynes #dukeunivpress #combinedacademicpublishers #film #indiefilm #QueerFilm #feministfilm #filmstudies #feminism #whiteness #TelevisionStudies #hbo #killerfilms #newqueercinema #juliannemoore #cateblanchett #KateWinslet #christinevachon #carol #velvetgoldmine #farfromheaven #safe #superstarthekarencarpenterstory #wonderstruck #dottiegetsspanked #imnotthere #mildredpierce
#JulianneMoore and #SydneySweeney will star in #EchoValley, a new Apple Studios film from #MareOfEasttown creator #BradIngelsby.
The film follows Kate, a woman reeling from a personal tragedy who spends her days training horses on the secluded Echo Valley Farm. Late one night, her daughter Claire arrives at her doorstep, frightened, trembling and covered in someone else’s blood. The heart-pounding thriller is about just how far a mother will go to save her child.
#bradingelsby #MareOfEasttown #echovalley #sydneysweeney #juliannemoore
Julianne Moore hardly ever seems to have any downtime, but she says that's simply because she loves what she does so much.
#SharperMovie #Sharper #JulianneMoore #movies #movienews #acting #entertainmentnews #entertainment #Film #celebritynews
#sharpermovie #sharper #juliannemoore #movies #movienews #acting #entertainmentnews #Entertainment #film #celebritynews
Film Review: SHARPER (2023): Benjamin Caron’s Film is Interesting and Has Plenty of Surprises and Tricks Up Its Sleeve
#FilmBook #MovieReview #A24 #AlessandroTanaka #Apple #BenjaminCaron #BlaiseCorrigan #BrianGatewood #BrianaMiddleton #DorisMcCarthy #GiullianYaoGioiello #HannahDunne #JohnLithgow #JulianneMoore #JusticeSmith #MovieReview #PatrickCooley #Ph
#filmbook #moviereview #a24 #alessandrotanaka #apple #benjamincaron #blaisecorrigan #briangatewood #brianamiddleton #dorismccarthy #giullianyaogioiello #hannahdunne #johnlithgow #juliannemoore #justicesmith #patrickcooley #ph
Graham Norton Show S30 - epi.17
On Graham’s sofa tonight: Mexican star #SalmaHayekPinault, promoting Magic Mike's Last Dance; Oscar-winner #JulianneMoore, in psychological thriller Sharper; Canadian singer-songwriter #ShaniaTwain, whose new album is Queen of Me; and dancer #JohannesRadebe, talking about his new touring show Freedom Unleashed. Plus, multi-Grammy-winning singer #Lizzo drops in for a chat, and there's music from #TomGrennan with his current single Here.
#salmahayekpinault #juliannemoore #shaniatwain #johannesradebe #lizzo #TomGrennan
Remembering Burt Reynolds #BOTD 1936
Honor him by watching #BoogieNights
#BurtReynolds #MarkWahlberg #JulianneMoore #HeatherGraham #PaulThomasAnderson #Movies #WhatToWatch
#botd #boogienights #burtreynolds #markwahlberg #juliannemoore #heathergraham #paulthomasanderson #movies #WhatToWatch
Trailer oficial de la película ‘Embaucadores’ en Apple TV+
Disponible a partir del 17 de febrero
#AppleTVPlus #sharper #JulianneMoore
#juliannemoore #sharper #appletvplus
#AppleOriginalFilms hosted the world premiere of #SharperMovie today in London.
Stars #JulianneMoore, #SebastianStan, #JusticeSmith, #BrianaMiddleton, director #BenjaminCaron, and more attended the event.
The film premieres in theaters February 10, and on #AppleTVPlus February 17.
#appletvplus #benjamincaron #brianamiddleton #justicesmith #sebastianstan #juliannemoore #sharpermovie #appleoriginalfilms
In new #AppleTVPlus ad “Ladybug,”#TimothéeChalamet feels overlooked by Apple, as he points out several upcoming titles and their stars, including:
#Sharper starring #JulianneMoore
#MastersOfTheAir starring #AustinButler
#Hijack starring #IdrisElba
#idriselba #hijack #AustinButler #mastersoftheair #juliannemoore #sharper #timotheechalamet #appletvplus
SHARPER (2023) Movie Trailer: Julianne Moore & John Lithgow star in Benjamin Caron’s Family Crime Thriller
#FilmBook #MoviePoster #MovieTrailer #AppleTVPlus #BenjaminCaron #BriannaMiddleton #DarrenGoldstein #JohnLithgow #JulianneMoore #JusticeSmith #MoviePoster #MovieTrailer #SebastianStan #Sharper
#filmbook #movieposter #movietrailer #appletvplus #benjamincaron #briannamiddleton #darrengoldstein #johnlithgow #juliannemoore #justicesmith #sebastianstan #sharper
Pink News: Sky’s new LGBTQ+ period drama about King James I’s lover will be your next TV obsession #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #NicholasGalitzine #JulianneMoore #Mary&George #Celebrity #Culture #News #TV
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #nicholasgalitzine #juliannemoore #mary #celebrity #Culture #news #TV
How. I. Adore. #JulianneMoore.
Each Juilianne.
#cinema #film #art #filmmastodon #cinemastodon #actress #suburbicon
#juliannemoore #cinema #film #art #FilmMastodon #cinemastodon #actress #suburbicon
Official Trailer — Sharper
#JulianneMoore, #SebastianStan,,, and #BrianaMiddleton star in #Sharper—a psychological thriller in select theaters February 10 and streaming February 17 on Apple TV+
#sharper #brianamiddleton #sebastianstan #juliannemoore
Such a damn good song for an early HBO flick
#FredWard #JulianneMoore #CastaDeadlySpell
what’s your fav original song from a show or movie ?
#fredward #juliannemoore #castadeadlyspell