NYTimes: #JulianSchnabel Revisits #vanGogh, and Paints Oscar Isaac’s Severed Head
#NYT https://nyti.ms/3DLVygD
NYTimes: #JulianSchnabel Revisits #vanGogh, and Paints Oscar Isaac’s Severed Head
#NYT https://nyti.ms/3DLVygD
1987 Washington Post review of #julianschnabel show in the #preinternet era, bombast still worked. The text seems naive today, but it's kind of refreshing to think of a time when it seemed #art and #painting still mattered. Schnabel may be great at self promotion and a subpar #painter but you gotta admire his #chutzpah #neoexpressionism https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1987/11/19/schnabel-signifying-what-in-ny-an-artists-brazenness-in-too-vivid-display/2b12ef31-7787-4101-98c2-a1a32528fe72/
#julianschnabel #preinternet #art #painting #painter #chutzpah #neoexpressionism