One of America’s top #abortionrights lawyers was just confirmed as a federal judge. #JulieRikelman, the abortion rights movement’s top Supreme Court litigator, will serve on the US #CourtofAppeals for the #FirstCircuit. #courts #CivilLiberties #WomensHealth #Dobbs #RoevWade
#abortionrights #julierikelman #courtofappeals #firstcircuit #courts #civilliberties #womenshealth #Dobbs #RoeVWade
#UnitedStates #Senate Confirms Prominent #Abortion-Rights Lawyer To Be A #FederalJudge
#JulieRikelman, who represented an abortion clinic in the landmark Supreme Court case that gutted Roe v. Wade, will now serve on a U.S. appeals court.
#unitedstates #senate #abortion #federaljudge #julierikelman