🪷 On 23 Aug 30 BC #Octavian killed #Caesarion, 17-year-old son of #Cleopatra and #JuliusCaesar. Or did he escape? He lives on in the movies, memorably reincarnated on the big screen by #MarkDamon. #FilmTip Watch the exciting trailer: https://youtu.be/DupofgCwn7g 🪷
#octavian #caesarion #cleopatra #juliuscaesar #markdamon #filmtip
Ancient history is crazy. We have so little to go on that entire superstructures of argument will be constructed on a tiny base of primary evidence. There is a whole debate among historians over whether Julius Caesar is responsible for the destruction of the Library of Alexandria, and it all seems to hinge on the interpretation of the single word "apothekas" in Cassius Dio's Roman History.
#JuliusCaesar #CassiusDio #Alexandria #AncientHistory
#juliuscaesar #cassiusdio #alexandria #ancienthistory
The Onion: The Onion’s AI-Generated Content Presents All Men And Blueberries In Chronological Order https://www.theonion.com/the-onion-s-ai-generated-content-presents-all-men-and-b-1850627233 #vladtheimpalerplunderer #daleblueberrydale #michaeldouglas #jeremiahnumber #humaninterest #lowbushberry #juliuscaesar #joeblueberry #bluemangroup #xijinping #blueberry #jerryhe #berries #chowder #jimbo #dave #adam #eden #elio
#vladtheimpalerplunderer #daleblueberrydale #michaeldouglas #jeremiahnumber #humaninterest #lowbushberry #juliuscaesar #joeblueberry #bluemangroup #xijinping #blueberry #jerryhe #berries #chowder #jimbo #dave #adam #eden #elio
Useless quote for 1 July:
"But Fortune, who exerts a powerful influence as well in other matters, as especially in war, effects great changes from trifling causes …"
~Julius Caesar, 46 BCE
🪷 #Caesarion born 23 June 47 BC, son of #Cleopatra and #JuliusCaesar. Never acknowledged by Caesar. Killed at age 17 by #Octavian on advice of philosopher #AriusDidymus, who said: "ouk agathon polukaisarie" (it's not good to have too many Caesars), a pun on a line by Homer. 🪷
#caesarion #cleopatra #juliuscaesar #octavian #ariusdidymus
"Tourists will be able to stroll close to the spot where Julius Caesar met his bloody end, when Rome’s authorities open a new walkway on the ancient site on Tuesday.
Caesar is supposed to have died in the capital’s central Largo Argentina square, which is home to the remains of four temples. The ruins are all below street level and up until recently could only be viewed from behind barriers close to a busy road junction.
From Tuesday, visitors will be able to move through the site at ground level on the walkway and see the structures up close.
The work was funded by the Italian fashion house Bulgari, at a site that was first discovered and excavated during building work in Rome in the 1920s".
#History #Heritage #CulturalHeritage #Rome #JuliusCaesar #Tourism #Archaeology
#history #heritage #culturalheritage #rome #juliuscaesar #tourism #archaeology
"Aquí está, y tiene el sello de César.
¡A cada ciudadano romano, a cada hombre, le da 75 dracmas!
Además, os deja sus paseos sus pérgolas y huertos recién plantados a esta orilla del Tíber. Os los deja a vosotros y a vuestros herederos para siempre. Placeres comunes, para pasear y disfrutar.
Aquí había un César. ¿Cuándo habrá otro igual?"
#juliocesar #juliuscaesar #cine #cinemania
Der Alfred der Woche!
#alfredeneumann #alfredeneuman #mad #madmagazine #alt #retro #sammlung #zeichnung #comics #comicheft #comickritik #kult #comic #humor #witzig #rom #römer #caesar #imperator #toga #lorbeerkranz #antike #altertum #latein #juliuscaesar #dolch #messer #brutus
#alfredeneumann #alfredeneuman #mad #madmagazine #alt #retro #sammlung #zeichnung #comics #comicheft #comickritik #kult #comic #humor #witzig #rom #romer #caesar #imperator #toga #lorbeerkranz #antike #altertum #latein #juliuscaesar #Dolch #messer #brutus
Mark Anthony having a good butcher’s at Cleopatra’s Asp.
#KennethWilliams #SidJames #CarryOnCleo #JuliusCaesar #MarkAthony
Tees by Sillytees http://bit.ly/3EIfKB4
#kennethwilliams #sidjames #carryoncleo #juliuscaesar #markathony
Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more.
― Wiliam Shakespeare, Julius Caesar
#juliuscaesar #WiliamShakespeare #quoteoftheday #8aprile
Men at some time are masters of their fates:
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings.
— #shakespeare , #juliuscaesar
#theater #wisdom #history #literature #freewill #humanrights #humanity #SilentSunday #Sunday #morning #quotes #life
#shakespeare #juliuscaesar #theater #wisdom #history #literature #freewill #humanrights #humanity #silentsunday #sunday #morning #quotes #life
Und der 15.#Merz wegen der sofortigen #Amnestie politischer #Polizeigewalt für alle Beteiligten nach der Ermordung von #JuliusCaesar an diesem Tag? #dieAnstalt!
#merz #amnestie #Polizeigewalt #juliuscaesar #dieanstalt
hat das mit der Ermordung von #JuliusCaesar am Iden des #Merz zu tun? Göttliche #Kaiserlichkeit der #Anmaßung ...
#juliuscaesar #merz #kaiserlichkeit #anmaßung
@PaulaToThePeople der Iden des #Merz ist auch schon vorbei: #juliusCaesar bekam den dolch für seine vermeintliche "Göttlichkeit"
Probably could've posted this yesterday. #JuliusCaesar #IdesOfMarch #Motorcycle
#juliuscaesar #idesofmarch #motorcycle
One for the classicists
(and others who know Shakespeare Was Wrong)
#ides #idesofmarch #ettubrute #shakespeare #juliuscaesar
Beware of the Ides of March! #march #juliuscaesar #rome #romanempire #italy #caesar #history #europe https://www.dustinjbyrd.org
#march #juliuscaesar #rome #romanempire #italy #caesar #history #europe
Op 15 maart ‘44 vC werd #juliuscaesar in de Romeinse Senaatsvergadering door samenzwerende senatoren neergestoken. Vervolgens zou tóch het Romeinse keizerrijk ontstaan. Zo zie je maar. Wie weet wat ons nog allemaal te wachten staat, na de verkiezingsuitslag van vanavond #psverkiezingen
EBL: The Murder of Julius Caesar 🗡️ https://evilbloggerlady.blogspot.com/2023/03/the-murder-of-julius-caesar.html
#IdesOfMarch #JuliusCaesar #DeathOfCaesar
#idesofmarch #juliuscaesar #deathofcaesar
History so ancient, yet still so well-known, and not without good reason; Edward Poynter's "The Ides of March" captures that fateful moment of 2,066 years ago today.
#art #traditionalart #painting #oilpainting #history #JuliusCaesar
#art #TraditionalArt #painting #oilpainting #history #juliuscaesar