Schöner #Brettspiele-Tag nur leider ohne Fotos.
Zunächst 2x #JumpDrive: 2P; 15 min.; gewonnen mit 76:35; 10 min; gewonnen mit 91:39
Ist schon arg glückslastig. War in beiden Spielen nicht auf der Seite von Frau, kam daher nicht so gut an. In beiden Fällem konnte ich Karten spielen, die jeweil ~25 Punkte brachten, damit war die Sache durch.
Dann #TheKingIsDead: 2P; 30 min; gewonnen.
Das werden wir noch mal spielen müssen, mir hat es ganz gut gefallen, Frau ist noch nicht überzeugt. #Boardgames
#brettspiele #jumpdrive #thekingisdead #boardgames
Das wird doch @plvlc gefallen: ich habe #jumpdrive gespielt! Besser gesagt, ich habe mit Jumpdrive gespielt, denn ich habe das #Brettspiele gewonnen. Ziemlich deutlich sogar (83 Punkte). Mit Wormhole hab ich dagegen verkackt (nur 50). Bei beiden hätten es 60 sein müssen. Und nun sollte es klarer sein, dass ich nicht das Spiel #jumpdrive sondern #planetunknown gespielt habe. 1/2
@board @brettspiele
#jumpdrive #Brettspiele #planetunknown
Wow. Stunned that my #PinePhonePro is here already! :annoyingdog: Way quicker than my OG #PinePhone arrived. Loving how silky smooth many of the animations are and how much quicker the apps load!
Looking forward to when the camera is testable!
After initial setup, my EMMC #Manjaro install doesn't seem to work, though. Just black screen+cursor.
Does anyone know if #Jumpdrive by @danctnix and @martijnbraam works on the pro model, too? If not, I'll just install #PmOS on it from the SDcard. 👍
#pmos #jumpdrive #manjaro #pinephone #pinephonepro
Phew, #Jumpdrive allows me to mount my #Pinephone on my PC's desktop as an external drive. Copying my whole home folder now. I can then nuke my broken #Mobian install and flash it again, or flash something else...
Phew, #Jumpdrive allows me to mount my #Pinephone on my PC's desktop as an external drive. Copying my whole home folder now. I can then nuke my broken #Mobian install and flash it again, or flash something else...
Linux Class: Howto dd Command:
Includes: copying img/iso files, backing up sdcard's to an img file (Pinephone ex), backup your emmc, and use a pipe to backup to a compressed image file (.img.gz).
#Linux #FOSS #FLOSS #Pinephone #OpenSource #HowTo #Tutorial #Pinetab #jumpdrive
#pinephone #opensource #howto #tutorial #pinetab #jumpdrive #linux #foss #floss
The forty-eighth edition of my weekly collection of news about #LinuxPhones (@PINE64 #PinePhone, @purism #Librem5 and such), #LinBits, is out!
New #Crust, #Phosh and #Jumpdrive releases, #Volla Community days and more!
#linuxphones #jumpdrive #volla #pinephone #librem5 #linbits #crust #phosh
Now that I've salvaged my #Pinephone from its unbootable state (thanks #Jumpdrive for that), I inserted my 128GB card into the card slot and tried to boot up again; it would not. I had to reformat the card. It now has mounted successfully 4 times out of 4.
I'm thinking of a different approach: keep /home on eMMC, but edit ~/.config/users-dirs.dirs to redirect Downloads, Images and Music folders to the SD card.
If the SD card doesn't mount, the phone should still boot, right?
#Pinephone misadventures - the comeback 😅
Well, I was able to boot #Jumpdrive 0.6 flashed on a fresh SD card, but I had to plug the phone into a wall charger to do it. I then switched the USB cable to a port on my desktop, Jumpdrive stayed alive - and I was able to access the rootfs and reverse the change to my /etc/fstab (I had made a backup of the original fstab).
#Mobian now boots again, but the battery is completely depleted. Again. And when it is, it takes ages to recharge it. 🙄
At this time it looks like new cards work at first, then after some time they no longer do.
So I'm now on the #Jumpdrive screen telling me to flash the procedure from my PC or to connect over telnet. I don't know if the battery is really out of charge, not sure how to connect over telnet - or what to actually do. Do I flash #Mobian anew, or attempt to salvage my current install, and if so, how?
With all the hit and misses, I don't think I can trust this SD card slot anymore. 2/2
The twentieth edition of my weekly collection of Linux phone news (@PINE64#PinePhone, @purism #Librem5 and such), #LinBits, is out!
New distribution releases, #JumpDrive 0.6, a bigger battery for the #Librem5, #LAS2020 talks, #PlasmaMobile’s October Update and more!
#librem5 #linbits #jumpdrive #LAS2020 #plasmamobile
#Pinephone adventures
Last I mentioned my Pinephone was last month, I was dejected because #Jumpdrive wouldn't load, and the phone would not be recognized on my desktop Ubuntu PC.
Lo and behold, this morning I decide to plug my Pinephone on a charger, figuring its battery must be depleted. The phone boots up to the Jumpdrive screen! I plug it to my PC, and boom! I can see its partitions!
Just D/Led the latest #Mobian image. Flash time baby. 🤓
It's crazy, #UbuntuTouch has 10 partitions.
#mobian #ubuntutouch #pinephone #jumpdrive
Well, tried again to update #UbuntuTouch on my #Pinephone tonight, update 184 or something on the Development channel. After nearly completing the download (212MB this time), I get the same error: Update failed, FileNotFoundError. 😡
Enough of this. Time to get acquainted with #Jumpdrive and start looking for greener pastures. 🙄
#pinephone #ubuntutouch #jumpdrive
I really don't understand that last word, must be a typo but can't figure it out... 🤨
But yes you can flash the emmc, that's what I'm planning to do myself.
Have a look at @danct12's #Jumpdrive.
@mobian @MatejLach
I just learned about #Jumpdrive by @danct12 . If it makes it easy to flash to eMMC, I might be tempted to try it after all. 😃
Yes, #sxmo is installed on the eMMC of my #pinephone.
I've first installed #postmarketos (without a ui) on the eMMC of my pinephone using #pmbootstrap and #jumpdrive. Then, I've followed the instructions at to install #sxmo on top of it.
I've also altered /etc/fstab, so my /home is on a SD card.
#jumpdrive #pmbootstrap #postmarketos #pinephone #sxmo