I wanna talk about a man of warm heart, much epistemological curiosity and joy for life—Zhenya #Karakashev, anarchist from Yevpatoriia, Crimea.
Zhenya is on his 6th year of prison sentence, and his health is on a brink of failure—he looses his sight and suffer from migraines caused by neurological issues.
he’s currently in a hospital that is in FSIN jurisdiction, meaning prison administration cannot ignore requests for medical examination (PET-scan & stuff), but do not want to allow it
NYC Anarchist Black Cross: **#JUNE11 2023!**
"WHAT: Letter Writing and Card Signing PartyWHEN: 1:00-4:00pm, Sunday, June 11thWHERE: Woodbine (585 Woodward Avenue, Queens)COST: FREE (Donations to cover the cost of stamps greatly appreciated) Join NYC Anarchist Black Cross for a June 11th card signing and letter-writing party for Earth and animal liberation and anarchist political prisoners! For more on June 11th, check […]"
RT @esclamor@twitter.com
#june11 día internacional por lxs presxs anarquistas de larga condena))
No estamos todxs, faltan los presxs!
#abajoLosMuros de las prisiones 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Libertad a todxs nuestrxs compañerxs en prisión!
RT @esclamor@twitter.com
#june11 día internacional por lxs presxs anarquistas de larga condena))
No estamos todxs, faltan los presxs!
#abajoLosMuros de las prisiones 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Libertad a todxs nuestrxs compañerxs en prisión!
RT @ManchaIndomable@twitter.com
Hoy es #June11 día de solidaridad con les preses anarquistas con largas condenas.
Heute ist #June11, internationaler Solidaritätstag mit langzeitgefangenen Anarchist*innen, insbesondere Marius Mason - @supportmarius@twitter.com . Wir wünschen allen gefangenen Gefährt*innen Freiheit & Glück - ihr seid nicht vergessen! @june11dotorg@twitter.com #FreeAllPrisoners #Anarchismus
#Anarchismus #FreeAllPrisoners #june11
RT @AnarchistFed@twitter.com
http://june11.noblogs.org http://supportmariusmason.org http://supportericking.org http://organisemagazine.org.uk/af-bc
RT @enough14@twitter.com
Fire Ant: Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity #13 - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2022/06/04/fire-ant-anarchist-prisoner-solidarity-13/ #June11 #prisoners #FreeThemAll #antireport
#antireport #freethemall #prisoners #june11
Fire Ant: Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity #13 - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2022/06/04/fire-ant-anarchist-prisoner-solidarity-13/ #June11 #prisoners #FreeThemAll #antireport
#antireport #freethemall #prisoners #june11
June 11th, 2022: Call To Support Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2022/04/25/june-11th-2022-call-to-support-long-term-anarchist-prisoners/ #June11 #FreeThemAll #antireport #anarchism
#Anarchism #antireport #freethemall #june11
#London, #UK: Two manifestations in the context of June 11 - International day of solidarity with long-term anarchist #prisoners - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/06/15/london-uk-two-manifestations-in-the-context-of-june-11-international-day-of-solidarity-with-long-term-anarchist-prisoners/ #June11 #J11 #antireport
#antireport #j11 #june11 #prisoners #uk #london
Heute am 11 Juni denken wir besonders an alle anarchistischen #Gefangene. Schickt Ihnen z.B. ein Bild!
Lisa Dorfer
Centre Penitenciari de Dones de Barcelona – Wad-Ras
Carrer Doctor Trueta 84
08005 Barcelona, Spanien
#june11th #june11 #abc #anarchie #prison #freethemall #gefangene
Cesare Battisti on hunger strike - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2021/06/07/cesare-battisti-on-hunger-strike/ #CesareBattisti #HungerStrike #Prisoners #FreeThemAll #antireport #June11
#june11 #antireport #freethemall #prisoners #hungerstrike #cesarebattisti
“A few notes on this world” - For #June11, International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners - Read more: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/06/13/a-few-notes-on-this-world-for-june-11th-international-day-of-solidarity-with-marius-mason-all-long-term-anarchist-prisoners/ #prisoners #antireport
#antireport #prisoners #june11
Final Straw Radio- #June11 2020: Marius Mason support and words from Jeremy Hammond - Special solidarity with #MariusMason & longterm anarchist #prisoners episode - Reblogged from @thefinalstrawradio - Read & listen: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/06/11/the-final-straw-radio-june-11-2020-marius-mason-support-and-words-from-jeremy-hammond/ #June11th #FreeThemAll #anarchism #antireport
#antireport #Anarchism #freethemall #june11th #prisoners #mariusmason #june11
Morgen ist der 11. Juni - Tag der langzeitgefangenen Anarchist*innen. Zeigt euch solidarisch, indem ihr z.B. Briefe an die Gefangenen schreibt! ABC-Berlin bieten euch hier eine Anleitung zum Briefe schreiben an. -> http://abc-berlin.net/briefe ✉️
#antiknast #antirepression
#antirepression #Antiknast #june11
Am 11. Juni - Tag der langzeitgefangenen Anarchist*innen - Solidarität zeigen!
#writeletterstoprisoners #antiknast #antirepression
#antirepression #Antiknast #writeletterstoprisoners #june11
June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners - https://abcdd.org/2020/06/01/june-11th-international-day-of-solidarity-with-marius-mason-all-long-term-anarchist-prisoners/ #Anarchismus #Gefangene #June11 #Solidarität
#solidarität #june11 #gefangene #Anarchismus
#June11, 2020: International day of solidarity with Marius Mason and long-term anarchist #prisoners - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/05/05/june11-2020-international-day-of-solidarity-with-marius-mason-and-long-term-anarchist-prisoners/ #anarchism #antireport
#antireport #Anarchism #prisoners #june11
#Oaxaca, #Mexico: #June11th Statement From Indigenous Anarchist Political Prisoner #MiguelPeralta - #Prisoners #anarchism #June11 #antireport - Read here: https://enoughisenough14.org/2019/06/16/oaxaca-mexico-june11th-statement-from-indigenous-anarchist-political-prisoner-miguelperalta/
#antireport #june11 #Anarchism #prisoners #miguelperalta #june11th #mexico #oaxaca