@HKCHRofficial RT by @laiyanhoeric: 1/2: On the 34th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, an unprecedented clampdown on HK's freedom of speech & assembly was seen with disturbing police presence. #HongKong #HomeKong #JuneFourth https://nitter.hongkongers.net/HKCHRofficial/status/1669666736654696448#m
#hongkong #homekong #junefourth
@RightsPractice RT by @laiyanhoeric: Today, as we remember #JuneFourth, let us also challenge ourselves and our politicians to find answers to the pressing questions posed by ongoing human rights violations by China incl. large-scale, extrajudicial detentions of #Uyghurs and restrictions on Chinese civil society https://nitter.hongkongers.net/RightsPractice/status/1665342641070915585#m
Again, #HK netizens are re-broadcasting the 2018 #Commemoration #Vigil of #JuneFourth #TiananmenSquareMassacre on Facebook Live now. The vigil commences at 8pm HKT. You can watch it now. Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1060788468219786/?ref=newsfeed https://nitter.hongkongers.net/laiyanhoeric/status/1665316183703207936#m
#hk #commemoration #vigil #junefourth #tiananmensquaremassacre
Remember Remember the 4th of June.
It can happen again anywhere.
#六四 #JuneFourth
This is where #HongKong people for three decades held annual vigils to commemorate the #JuneFourth massacre. This year, a patriotic carnival organised by pro-Beijing groups is being held instead. Its theme? To celebrate the 26th anniversary of the city’s return to China. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/rachel_cheung1/status/1665301221283102721#m
Repost: This was the last public commemoration vigil of #JuneFourth in #Hongkong in 2019, marking the 30th anniversary of the #TiananmenSquareMassacre . I have faith that it would not be the final one. https://nitter.hongkongers.net/laiyanhoeric/status/1665034496343769090#m
#junefourth #hongkong #tiananmensquaremassacre
R to @AnnaKwokFY: The C.C.P. has caused irreparable damage to generations of Hong Kongers, but they can never snuff out the flames that stand between the tank and millions who will never forget the Tiananmen Massacre. #TiananmenMassacre #JuneFourth #8964 #6434 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/AnnaKwokFY/status/1664739441611624449#m
#tiananmenmassacre #junefourth