What are you watching tonight.
1986 Monday Night McMillan Re-run Promo
"Saturday brunch with Sally's mother leads to trouble when a neighbor reports that her pedigreed Pekinese has been kidnapped--along with her husband. "
#Dogs #McMillan #RockHudson #Promo #Commercial #tvcommercial #Retro #vintage #JuneHavoc
#dogs #mcmillan #rockhudson #promo #commercial #tvcommercial #retro #vintage #junehavoc
In today's review, I find you can't go home again, if the vampires have got there first. As I attempt a #positive review of 1987 sequel of A Return of Salem's Lot
#JuneHavoc http://therealmrpositive.com/2022/11/17/a-return-to-salems-lot-1987/
#positive #rickyaddisonreed #michaelmoriarty #samuelfuller #andrewduggan #evelynkeyes #junehavoc