Well, seems like I made up for lost time yesterday. I woke up a little bit earlier today and with my trusty cup of tea, I managed 612 words this morning.
#junewritingchallenge #turtlewriters #amwritingfiction #wattpad #AmWritingScifi
#amwritingscifi #wattpad #amwritingfiction #turtlewriters #junewritingchallenge
Drumming up a little short story tomorrow...time to re-visit the Ministry of Recompense....#amwriting #junewritingchallenge 1 hr of editing today
#amwriting #junewritingchallenge
547 words today. More than I expected to get by about...547 words.
#JuneWritingChallenge #amwriting #turtlewriters #dolphinwriters
#junewritingchallenge #amwriting #turtlewriters #dolphinwriters
561 words today. Not as much as I wanted but as much as I had time for.
#junewritingchallenge #turtlewriters #dolphinwriters
About 1000 words this morning, good start to the day. #junewritingchallenge #amwriting
#junewritingchallenge #amwriting
939 words for #junewritingchallenge today. Can't complain about that since it was an unexpected burst of creativity. #amwriting
#junewritingchallenge #amwriting
My document after spending another hour with Grammarly...100 out of 100 points. Ok, I'm doing alright #JuneWritingChallenge #amediting
#junewritingchallenge #amediting
More editing tonight. Grammarly tells me I write in passive voice a lot. Go figure...#JuneWritingChallenge
I'll settle for one hour of editing tonight. Trying out Grammarly Premium to see whether it's any good. #JuneWritingChallenge #amediting
#junewritingchallenge #amediting
Busy editing tonight. #JuneWritingChallenge #amediting
#junewritingchallenge #amediting
588 words written today. #junewritingchallenge #amwriting #write #Writers
#junewritingchallenge #amwriting #write #writers
664 words last night that I forgot to log (of course). Tonight will be editing, I think. #junewritingchallenge #amwriting #writing
#junewritingchallenge #amwriting #writing
Curious about some of the stories written by #junewritingchallenge participants? Here's a few: https://talltechtales.com/written-treasures-from-the-writing-challenge-june-edition/ #amreading #fiction
#junewritingchallenge #amreading #fiction
268 words tonight. Not much but a bit of progress at least #junewritingchallenge
1620 words written today #junewritingchallenge #amwriting
#junewritingchallenge #amwriting
I ended up working on a side project tonight. Coming along nicely, I think...1 hr of editing though. #junewritingchallenge
I'm 37% to my goal for the month and we're almost halfway through the month. I better pick up the pace. #amwriting #JuneWritingChallenge
#amwriting #junewritingchallenge
557 words written today for #junewritingchallenge, the result of an hour or so of editing where I actually added words :) #amwriting
#junewritingchallenge #amwriting
659 words today for #junewritingchallenge. More coming later. #amwriting
#junewritingchallenge #amwriting