"Windswept Grasslands" by #MasahiroOhki is another superb example of how flexible professionals and masters of their craft can truly be. After all, this comes from the same individual that composed #ResidentEvil2 (2019) soundtrack, a spooky, frightening horror-fest of scary imagery and terrifying sound engineering loved by both media and the people.
The #JungleBeat intro in the link below serves as the track's "leitmotif" permeating the entirety of the song, bringing about #MonsterHunterStories2 's introduction to mind and also strongly remind the audience about its three main themes: "adventure", "danger" and "mystery" that are ever so present durint the course of the narrative.
During the amazing 1 minute and 45 seconds you are subjected to those three themes in order.
0:00 - 0:35: Adventure
0:36 - 1:04: Danger
1:05 - 1:33: Mystery
And then it circles back! :blobcat_nwn:
It really excites me whenever I listen to this track as it's also used as the main battle theme throughout the first cour of the videogame.
Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed my little own, personal analysis of the theme and that it helped you find a new favorite to listen to! :ablobcatheart:
👇 :blobcatmmm: 👇
#masahiroohki #residentevil2 #junglebeat #monsterhunterstories2