I'll share some art tomorrow. For now, here's what I've been watching.
First, Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli. Yes, there is a Jungle Book anime! I'm only three episodes in but so far I love it. The wolves are drawn beautifully, especially Mowgli's mother and brothers. The whole thing is legally streaming on youtube. I'm watching the English dub.
Here's a clip I liked. (This youtubetrimmer site makes my adblocker go crazy. I don't know what it's like without it; probably terrible. Just a heads up.)
#JungleBookShonenMowgli #Anime #TheJungleBook #Furry #WorseVids (<--- will be my hashtag for videos I share)
#junglebookshonenmowgli #anime #thejunglebook #furry #worsevids