Solar Baby
Happy Junicorn (:
I still need to make a Stardust version ;0;
#Art #MastoArt #furry #furryart #Anthro #SpiritualArt #Natureart #Procreate #digitalart #junicorn #unicorn
#art #mastoart #furry #furryart #anthro #SpiritualArt #natureart #procreate #digitalart #junicorn #unicorn
An oldie but a goodie from 2017.
:sparkling: ☀️🌼🦄 :sparkling:
Not quite too late for #Junicorn, but maybe a little late for #HappyLittlePlant… :da_sweat:
#junicorn #happylittleplant #mastoart #art #unicorn #comic #comics #webcomics
Another print which alludes to unicorns is my hedge witch, who has a unicorn skull as a hint of magic.
Behind the cat you can spy a Renaissance style medicine cabinet, and the cauldron, jars and bottles are like those I've seen from that era. 1/2
#junicorn #unicorn #witch #hedgeWitch #folklore #linocut #printmaking #barnOwl #cat #MastoArt #rabbit #potion #medicinalHerbs
#junicorn #unicorn #witch #hedgewitch #folklore #linocut #printmaking #barnowl #cat #mastoart #rabbit #potion #medicinalherbs
Another #Junicorn #unicorn: This small canvas is a mixed media collage artwork with layered gorgeous Japanese washi papers and handprinted lino block prints includes a unicorn on sheet music, a purple martin, spotted lanternfly, beetles and flowers.
The canvas is 9 inches by 12 inches by 0.5 inches deep (23 cm by 30 cm by 1.5 cm).
#multimedia #linocut #printmaking #collage #purpleMartin #beetle #MastoArt
#junicorn #unicorn #multimedia #linocut #printmaking #collage #purplemartin #beetle #mastoart
An older print for #Junicorn - U is for #unicorn!
#alphabet #linocut #printmaking #lettering #typography #reliefPrint #MastoArt
#junicorn #unicorn #alphabet #linocut #printmaking #lettering #typography #reliefprint #mastoart
If I celebrate #MerMay in May, I guess it’s time for #Junicorn in June!
This is a detail of an older linocut Unicorn Amongst Umbrellas.
#linocut #unicorn #umbrellas #printmaking #washi #collage #Junicorn2023 #MastoArt
#mermay #junicorn #linocut #unicorn #umbrellas #printmaking #washi #collage #junicorn2023 #mastoart
Combining the common monthly June themes of KaiJune with Junicorn into one c:
#Art #Original #kaiJunicorn #KaiJune #Junicorn #Kaiju #Unicorn #MastoArt #ArtistsOnMastodon
#artistsonmastodon #MastoArt #unicorn #kaiju #junicorn #kaijune #kaiJunicorn #original #art
Nahiz eta aspaldi honetan edozer gauza egiteko motibazio falta sentitu, blusa hau josteko gogoa atera nuen. Oihala hamen Bilboko betiko denda baten erosi nuen, Esquibelen. Esango nuke jabeak 80 urte baino gehiaho dituela, eta nahiko berezia dirudien arren, irribarre batekin saldu zidan tela. Amaitutakoan erakutsiko niola esan nion nik. Horrek motibatu ninduela uste dut.
Based on #fibremood magazine #rozan pattern, I sewn this blouse. Do you like it?
#fibremood #rozan #sewing #art #mastoart #junicorn
Esaten dabe riñoneren moda bueltan dala. Neri olentzerok online kurtso bat oparitu dozta aurten ta hilabete bat pasa ostean azkenean josi dot.
I sewn this fanny pack. Do you like it? Are they back again? I like the result. The fabrics that I choosed are not the best ones to manage, but the finale result is pretty good.
#sewing #sew #diy #josi #junicorn #handmadewithlove #handmade #mastoart #art #handmade #costura
#sewing #sew #diy #josi #junicorn #handmadewithlove #handmade #mastoart #art #costura
Urrian joste+patronaje kurtso baten apuntatu nintzen. Aspaldi hasia nintzen josteko munduan(nire kontura beti), baina zeozer teorikoa nahi nuen, oinarriak sendotzeko. Gaur nire lehen alkondara erakusten dizuet! 💜🧡 ze iruditzen?
This is my first shirt. Do you like it? I sewn it in my sewing and pattern making course. I like the result and now I want to sew more! But the day has 24 hours and...
#junicorn #mastoart #sewing #diy #handmade #love
Asteburuan egindako gauzatxoak. Nezeser bat eta edontzi-azpiko pare bat. Bixar erakutsiko ditxut besteak.
Aspaldi erositako eta beste proiektu batzutan erabilitako oihalak aprobetxatzea pentsatu dut.
Este finde he pensado en reutilizar telas que tenía compradas para otros proyectos. He hecho dos neceseres y muchos posavasos. Mañana os enseño el resto de cosas.
I have sewn this bag and drink mats with fabrics that I had bought for other projects.
#sewing #junicorn #handmade #love
Nere josteko txoko berrixa. Ia eguna ondo amaitzen dogun. Norbaitek dekorazio edo bestelako ideiarenbat badeko esatia daka. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
My new sewing table. It is not finished but I want to start creating something in this day.
I want to buy a new sewing machine. Any recomendations? I have a Juki overlock and it works really good, so buying a Juki one is an option. Does anyone here have a Bernina? They look very good...
I have a very basic singer and I want something more professional.
#junicorn #sewing #sewingmachine
The sculpture abandoned its post, suddenly animated by a mighty fire burning from within...🔥👁🔥
(Yeah, just an excuse to draw a horse on fire😆)
#junicorn #unicorn #mastoart #illustration #creativetoots #art #drawing #digitalart #horses #fantasy
#fantasy #horses #DigitalArt #drawing #art #CreativeToots #illustration #MastoArt #unicorn #junicorn