And another shocking takeaway from that article:
"NHS staff are top of the list in accessing payday loans"
#nhs #juniordoctors #nhsstrikes #juniordoctorsstrike
Today NHS junior doctors across England have begun a 5 day walkout to demand pay restoration, after more than a decade of real terms salary cuts. This is the longest single strike in NHS history.
One of the junior doctors taking part is Andrew. He came here from the US eight years ago to study medicine, and ended up staying to work here because he loves the NHS - and what it stands for - so much.
(Sorry the link is to facebook)
#juniordoctorsstrike #savethenhs #nhssos
The junior doctors are one of the groups of workers who have brought new momentum to the flagging strike wave this year. Report of their dispute. @ERunswickBMA @JuniorDocStrike @BMA_JuniorDocs
RT @dave43law
The secret talks on privatising the NHS
#ToriesOut291 #SunakOut182 #GeneralElectionNow #nhsstrikes #NHSCrisis #NursesStrike #JuniorDoctorsStrike
#juniordoctorsstrike #nursesstrike #nhscrisis #nhsstrikes #GeneralElectionNOW #sunakout182 #toriesout291
Reclaim the NHS in its 75th anniverary year. Protest for the #NHS in #Portsmouth Guildhall Square, Sat 15th April @11:30 and Cosham High Street @14:30 Dress up like a superhero or like it's 1948. Bring family, friends, whistles, flags, banners, pots and pans. Let's make some noise! #JuniorDoctorsStrike #PayRestorationNow
#nhs #portsmouth #juniordoctorsstrike #payrestorationnow
A handy little explainer for politicians. #PayRestoration #WhereAreYouSteve
RT @cardiacpolymath
If you don't work in the NHS doctors training, pay & career progression is a bit confusing
Now the #JuniorDoctorsStrike is on you might reasonably ask what does time served really lead to?
So in this thread I'm going to compare doctors to our dearly beloved 650 MP's
#PayRestoration #whereareyousteve #juniordoctorsstrike
Endless #solidarity with the #JuniorDoctors and their colleagues throughout our NHS who are on strike not only for fair pay and conditions for themselves, but against the decimation of our health service for private gain #SaveOurNHS
RT @BMA_JuniorDocs
We're still out on the picket lines today, fighting for #PayRestoration - Join us across the country as day three begins.
#JuniorDoctorsStrike #CallUsBarclay
#solidarity #juniordoctors #saveournhs #payrestoration #juniordoctorsstrike #callusbarclay
I Support the Junior Doctors Strike! #JuniorDoctorsStrike #SupportTheStrikes #SupportStrikingWorkers #Strike #Resist #Dissent #FightBack
#juniordoctorsstrike #supportthestrikes #supportstrikingworkers #strike #resist #dissent #fightback
Doctors in Unite chair Coral Jones joined striking junior doctors on the picket line today.
Unite, the BMA, and the HCSA stand together to support fair pay and better working conditions. This is about the future of the #NHS.
Nice to hear my old NUJ friend Phil Sutcliffe, a retired music journalist, on BBC Radio's World at One today.
Phil, who has cancer, had his latest outpatient appointment deferred to May owing to the junior doctors' strike.
Disappointing, but still Phil visited the picket line at Guy's Hospital in London to show solidarity with the medics.
My favourite strike placard so far. #JuniorDoctorsStrike #wato
RT @TucHuddersfield
Solidarity from Huddersfield TUC
I wonder if we will see @BorisJohnson following @MichaelRosenYes example Nd showing support to those who saved his life? Doubt it! #juniordoctorsstrike
RT @MichaelRosenYes
Exactly three years ago (March, April, May, June 2020), I was in the hospital behind us, and these folk and their colleagues were saving my life.)
This is an eloquent, must-watch statement of the junior doctors’ case, but what Stephen Fry is doing in the middle of it is beyond me.
RT @implausibleblog
"500 people are dying every single week due to underfunding.. Junior Doctors are striking because people are dying and nobody is doing anything.. It's just not about pay it's about bad working conditions."
Powerful words from @dranitaraja #JuniorDoctorsStrike
The NHS “vote reject” campaign is pressing for an escalation of action alongside the BMA junior doctors if the NHS pay offer is rejected.
#juniordoctorsstrike #votereject #NHS
For the first time in its history, the British Medical Association (BMA) has set up a strike fund — an indication of the determination to fight.
RT @VassiliCrispi
@BMA_JuniorDocs has put patient safety at the forefront of our industrial action, thanks to @BMA_Consultants and @BMA_SAS.
"We're here because the care we deliver on a day to day basis is already unsafe."
Full interview👇🏻
#EnoughIsEnough #juniordoctorsstrike #payrestoration
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#BillboardXenophobic #haikaveh #JuniorDoctorsStrike #OutBillboard #Succession #Welcome_Home_YoungK #FortniteLeaks #FortniteMEGA #TheMarvelsซอจุน #themarvels
#billboardxenophobic #haikaveh #juniordoctorsstrike #outbillboard #succession #welcome_home_youngk #fortniteleaks #fortnitemega #themarvelsซอจุน #themarvels
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#BillboardXenophobic #haikaveh #JuniorDoctorsStrike #OutBillboard #Succession #Welcome_Home_YoungK #FortniteLeaks #FortniteMEGA #TheMarvelsซอจุน #themarvels
#billboardxenophobic #haikaveh #juniordoctorsstrike #outbillboard #succession #welcome_home_youngk #fortniteleaks #fortnitemega #themarvelsซอจุน #themarvels
RT @BMA_JuniorDocs
Our London rally is well underway - great to see so many supporters taking over Trafalgar Square 👏
#JuniorDoctorsStrike #PayRestoration
#juniordoctorsstrike #PayRestoration