> Tritium is very dangerous. It gets inside you easily. It exchanges with normal hydrogen, sometimes it becomes organically (covalently) bound. It causes genetic damage at tiny conventional doses...
> I spent three years in the late 1990s looking at cancer and child leukemia near the Irish Sea supported by the Irish State. Tritium is measured in surface water
#Tritium #NuclearIndustry #JunkScience #ChirsBusby #FukushimaDaiIchi #OSenSui #汚染水
#汚染水 #osensui #FukushimaDaiIchi #chirsbusby #junkscience #nuclearIndustry #tritium
I've just found the most riduclous "stats" on #queer people.
Infinite Comparison claims that 1% are #asexual. But they ALSO claim that only 1 in 590 people (0.17%) are #allosexual. 🤦
(Reminder: "Allosexual" means that you're NOT part of the asexual spectrum. I think you can figure out the rest.)
#queer #asexual #allosexual #statistics #fail #cringe #ace #junkscience
911 Call Analysis...
Bloodstain-Pattern Analysis...
Scientific Content Analysis...
These are just some of the dubious #forensic techniques that have spread throughout the #criminal justice system for decades.
Here’s what ProPublica has learned about junk forensic #science techniques and how they proliferate.
#Police #Crime #CriminalJustice #Prosecutors #Courts #JunkScience #DexterWasNotReal
#forensic #criminal #Science #Police #crime #criminaljustice #prosecutors #courts #junkscience #dexterwasnotreal
Konsens in der Wissenschaft: Wenn Missionare Wissenschaftler sein wollen https://sciencefiles.org/2023/08/09/konsens-in-der-wissenschaft-wenn-missionare-wissenschaftler-sein-wollen/ #MethodenderempirischenSozialforschung #MethodologiederWissenschaft #Dr.habil.HeikeDiefenbach #Einstellungsforschung #LogikderForschung #Methodologie #Junkscience #Klimawandel #RentSeeking #JulianReiss #Aktivisten #Hysterie #Konsens
#konsens #hysterie #aktivisten #julianreiss #rentseeking #klimawandel #junkscience #methodologie #logikderforschung #einstellungsforschung #dr #methodologiederwissenschaft #methodenderempirischensozialforschung
#JunkScience #Misleading #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
I just saw this graph
and IMO, it is really dishonest
why ?
cause it has a basic fail that every book on how to make graphs or present #data or #DataViz or #Graphics #Chart talks about:
the Y axis, in most cases, should start at zero
here the Y axis has been manipulated to exagerate the effect
don't do this it is bad
#chart #graphics #dataviz #data #climatecrisis #climatechange #misleading #junkscience
Corona-Schutzmaßnahmen halfen: Wie das RKI nicht nur Minister Karl und Herrn Spahn Absolution erteilen will https://sciencefiles.org/2023/07/21/corona-schutzmassnahmen-halfen-wie-das-rki-nicht-nur-minister-karl-und-herrn-spahn-absolution-erteilen-will/ #NonPharmaceuticalinterventions #Corona-Maßnahmen #Rektalforschung #Corona-Virus #Junkscience #StopptCOVID #Gesundheit #JunkStudie #Lockdown #Hygiene #Masken #NPI #RKI
#rki #npi #masken #hygiene #lockdown #junkstudie #gesundheit #stopptcovid #junkscience #rektalforschung #corona #nonpharmaceuticalinterventions
Johnson & Johnson sues researchers who linked talc to cancer | Reuters
J&J alleges researchers used "junk science" to disparage company's products.
(I think there may be merit to that assertion.) #junkscience #science
Betrug und Befragtenmissbrauch: Wie ostdeutsche “Antisemiten” von Leipziger Sozial-Akademikern geschaffen werden https://sciencefiles.org/2023/06/29/betrug-und-befragtenmissbrauch-wie-ostdeutsche-antisemiten-von-leipziger-sozial-akademikern-geschaffen-werden/ #MethodenderempirischenSozialforschung #ElseFrenkel-Brusnwick #Demokratieproblem #Antisemitismus #JunkJournalism #Likert-Skala #OliverDecker #Junkscience #JunkScience #Ostdeutsche #JunkStudie #MDR
#mdr #junkstudie #ostdeutsche #junkscience #oliverdecker #likert #junkjournalism #antisemitismus #demokratieproblem #elsefrenkel #methodenderempirischensozialforschung
Der MDR “fremdelt” mit der Wahrheit – Leipziger Forscher, nicht “Ostdeutsche” haben ein Demokratieproblem https://sciencefiles.org/2023/06/28/der-mdr-fremdelt-mit-der-wahrheit-leipziger-forscher-nicht-ostdeutsche-haben-ein-demokratieproblem/ #StudienzumautoritärenCharakter #empirischeSozialforschung #autoritärePersönlichkeit #ElseFrenkel-Brusnwick #öffentlicherRundfunk #Demokratieproblem #Autoritarismus #TheodorAdorno #OliverDecker #Junkscience #JunkScience #Ostdeutsche #JunkStudie #MDR
#mdr #junkstudie #ostdeutsche #junkscience #oliverdecker #theodoradorno #autoritarismus #demokratieproblem #offentlicherrundfunk #elsefrenkel #autoritarepersonlichkeit #empirischesozialforschung #studienzumautoritarencharakter
Even if we accepted the ridiculous myth that human brains are “still developing” in our mid-20s
still developing =/= mentally incompetent
#Neurology #Junk #JunkScience #Science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#neurology #junk #junkscience #science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
Even if we accepted the ridiculous myth that human brains are “still developing” in our mid-40s
still developing =/= mentally incompetent
#Neurology #Junk #JunkScience #Science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#neurology #junk #junkscience #science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
Coming-out Musik bei “schwulen Männern” – Die institutionalisierte Sozialwissenschaft ist tot https://sciencefiles.org/2023/06/23/coming-out-musik-bei-schwulen-maennern-die-institutionalisierte-sozialwissenschaft-ist-tot/ #UniversitätDortmund #Ann-KristinHerget #Homosexualität #schwuleMänner #Junkscience #JunkScience #JunkStudie #ComingOut #FinnBirk
#finnbirk #comingout #junkstudie #junkscience #schwulemanner #homosexualitat #ann #universitatdortmund
YouTube’s Science Scam Crisis - YouTube
#science #clickbait #junkscience #spam
What is a woman? Up until Obama's BRAIN initiative we knew. Now, not so much... #junkscience
Even if we accepted the ridiculous myth that human brains are “still developing” in our mid-40s
still developing =/= mentally incompetent
#Neurology #Junk #JunkScience #Science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#neurology #junk #junkscience #science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
@LetsRoc @MoWilson
Homeopathy is absolute #JunkScience, whereas #Mindfulness has multiple peer reviewed studies and articles supporting it.
Exercise does a whole lot more than opening your mind and increasing blood flow.
For one, it improves your Cardiovascular Health, as well as releases Endorphins and Endocannabinoids into your body/CNS.
#whoatherepardner #junkscience #mindfulness
RT @Heather_z860
Even if we accepted the ridiculous myth that human brains are “still developing” in our mid-40s
still developing =/= mentally incompetent
#Neurology #Junk #JunkScience #Science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#neurology #junk #junkscience #science #TeensAreAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect
COVID-19 Shots: Eine Million gerettete WHO-Leben – Lancierte Qualitäts-FakeNews aus ZEIT/SPIEGEL/WELT usw https://sciencefiles.org/2023/04/21/covid-19-shots-eine-million-gerettete-who-leben-lancierte-qualitaets-fakenews-aus-zeit-spiegel-welt-usw/ #Grundrechenarten #JunkJournalism #Modellrechnung #RichardPebody #Corona-Virus #Manipulation #Systemmedien #Systempresse #Junkscience #JunkStudie #Propaganda #COVID-19 #FakeNews #Impfung #Lügen #Junk #WHO
#who #junk #lugen #impfung #fakenews #covid #propaganda #junkstudie #junkscience #systempresse #systemmedien #manipulation #corona #richardpebody #modellrechnung #junkjournalism #grundrechenarten
We have 16-year-olds preparing food for the public in restaurants in every town in the country. If we really believed they were incapable of rational decision making we'd never let that happen.
#Neurology #Junk #JunkScience #Science #TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #heather #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #Respect
#neurology #junk #junkscience #science #TeensAreAdults #RespectYoungAdults #nature #biology #teens #teenagers #infantilization #heather #discrimination #ageist #bigotry #TheHysteria #respect