Excited to be playing on a Juno 106 vintage analog synth. Found a great Mac program called "JU-106 Editor" that lets me see the exact settings of each patch.
Hätte ich als Jugendlicher bereits #vcvRack gehabt, wäre mein Leben vermutlich deutlich anders verlaufen.
Aber wir hatten doch nichts. Es wäre verwegen gewesen, sich zum Geburtstag einen #ModularSynthesizer zu wünschen, wäre auch für die Eltern nicht in Reichweite gewesen… aber hey… immerhin hatte ich Papas #Roland #Juno106 (und habe ihn heute noch). Ich pflege ihn wie andere ihr altes Oldtimer-Auto.
Damals hätte ich allerdings weniger gefragt und mehr gemacht. Und das wäre gut so gewesen. Witzig allerdings, dass junge Menschen heute vermeintlich vor allem die Bildschirme in ihren Handflächen streicheln, wo doch dank Freeware und Open Source gigantomanische kreative Möglichkeiten just around the Corner wären.
Vielleicht ist am Anfang einjeder Sehnsucht doch vor allem die Idee.
#synthesizer #modular #virtual #rack2 #rack #vcv #linux #kubuntu #kxstudio
#kxstudio #kubuntu #linux #vcv #rack #rack2 #virtual #modular #synthesizer #juno106 #roland #modularsynthesizer #vcvrack
For some reason I currently have 4 Juno-style synths, including a classic Juno-106, so I figured I'd do a comparison video before I decide what to part with.
How do the Roland JU-06 and JU-06A Boutiques as well as the Dreadbox Nymphes stack up against the original?
#synth #juno106 #dreadboxnymphes #synthesizers #analogsynth #synthcomparison
#synth #juno106 #dreadboxnymphes #synthesizers #analogsynth #synthcomparison
Just got my Roland SH-4d an hour ago. It's hooked up to Bitwig over a single USB-C cable , mixing & some minor effects in Bitwig, but this is a 909 Kit, SH-101 bass, Juno-106 pad, and a Cross-FM lead all from the SH-4d. Nothing exciting, just a quick loop...
#roland #sh101 #juno106 #sh4d #tr909
#DisquietJunto #dawless #juno106 #musodon
Thanks again to @disquiet for persuading me to dust off some dust collectors. "Choose a word and put it before “techno.” Those two words in combination are your new subgenre"
This jam was driven by an Arturia Beatstep Pro, clocking a Drum Brute Impact. Two synths were used: Juno-106 and a Moog Subsequent 25. The Sub 25 had a Line 6 delay inserted on it's channel and the mixer send effects ran though an Ocean's 12 reverb.
#disquietjunto #dawless #juno106 #musodon
@synth_daddy_sqweebking sometimes accidents happen in the studio and they sound cool as hell. This mornings jam, when booted back up this evening, had some interesting sequencer channel crosstalk with a couple synths. The result is this funky bebop that normally would be a fleeting jam, impossible to reproduce after hitting record, caught by my daw on the first take. :success:
#arturia #roland #juno106 #sh09 #bitwig
After nursing a headache for most of the day I finally got myself into the studio to record a jam for #Jamuary - A simple 3 track piece that I couldn't be bothered to go back and fix the arpeggio on, it is a "jam" after all.
A meditation jam - featuring #roland #juno106 #juno6 #moog #matriarch #strymon #bigsky
#jamuary #roland #juno106 #juno6 #moog #matriarch #strymon #bigsky
Don’t smoke, kids! 🚭
#roland #juno106 #rolandjuno106 #vintageanalog #nosmoking
1/ Someone just gave me a #Roland #Juno106 this week - they just wanted it to go to a loving home, as it had belonged to a friend who had passed. I promised to keep it and love it and play it.
Ok - faulty power supply, with dried-out caps and one lifted off the board. Cracked solder joints around the transistors. Fixed and rebuilt with a bit of thermal paste for good measure.
And finally tonight - a quick Juno-106 service, with all-new modules from Analogue Renaissance. Plus, refreshed the power supply, swapped out the battery, and calibrated it. Done!
#Roland #RolandJuno106 #Juno106 #AnalogueRenaissance #VintageAnalog
#roland #rolandjuno106 #juno106 #analoguerenaissance #vintageanalog
If you haven't picked up a Juno-106 clone yet Softube is selling "Model 84" for roughly $/€45 with an extra 10% off using the code "BLACKWEEKEXTRA".
I'm not affiliated with Softube, just a hardcore fan ;)
#vst #au #roland #juno106 #software #producerlife #synth #synthesiser #synthesizer
#vst #au #roland #juno106 #software #producerlife #synth #synthesiser #synthesizer
If you haven't picked up a Juno-106 clone yet Softube is selling "Model 84" for roughly $/€45 with an extra 10% off using the code "BLACKWEEKEXTRA".
I'm not affiliated with Softube, just a hardcore fan ;)
#vst #au #roland #juno106 #software #producerlife #synth #synthesiser #synthesizer
#vst #au #roland #juno106 #software #producerlife #synth #synthesiser #synthesizer