My editor told me the FMC in my alien romance wasn't concerned enough about meeting the giant, sexy lizard aliens . . . so I made her even thirstier! ð #sorrynotsorry #slutappreciation
Also, yes, the breast-milk-drinking bug aliens are real and they will have their own book series! ð
#jurassicmates #exophilia #alienromance #monsterromance #bookstodon
#bookstodon #monsterromance #alienromance #exophilia #jurassicmates #slutappreciation #sorrynotsorry
Flying dino daddy coming to your TBR list soon! ðĶ âĪïļ
Sign up for my ARC team to read it for FREE when it's ready, and my newsletter to get 5 FREE spicy ebooks right now! ððŧ
#exophilia #monsterromance #alienromance #monsterfucker #JurassicMates
#jurassicmates #monsterfucker #alienromance #monsterromance #exophilia
My Jurassic Mate is back from the editor!! ðĪĐ ðą ð ðĪŠ #JurassicMates #writingupdate #bookstodon
#jurassicmates #writingupdate #bookstodon
Just got an AMAZING idea for the final book in my Jurassic Mates series today!
It basically turns into Jurassic Park for horny people as our big, sexy, naked lizard men go primal apeshit and start wrestling each other in the dirt and/or chasing their mates through the jungle! ð What a finale!
Too bad we've got 11 books to go until that happens. ð
#alienromance #jurassicmates #exophilia