Hard to whittle that down to 7, on the bubble:
- The C Programming Language #BrianKernighan #DennisRitchie
- The Crucified God #JurgenMoltmann
- The Upside Down Kingdom #DonaldKraybill
- The Little Schemer #GeraldSussman
- Think and Grow Rich #NapoleonHill
- The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind #JulianJaynes
- Strength to Love #MartinLutherKing
#briankernighan #dennisritchie #jurgenmoltmann #donaldkraybill #GeraldSussman #napoleonhill #julianjaynes #MartinLutherKing
For those who are interested, it appears that #ErnstBloch's The Principle of #Hope was an influential work on this topic (written from a secular, neo-Marxist perspective) and that this in turn was a key influence on #JurgenMoltmann's #Theology of Hope (written from a Protestant Christian perspective).
#ernstbloch #hope #jurgenmoltmann #theology
There is a new episode of my conversation series, "Let's Talk!" available; I talked last summer with Prof Kiara Jorgenson of St. Olaf College. We discuss the expanding lives of students, intersectional justice, place-based vocation, panentheism, and more: https://youtu.be/-0SZnD3AWJ8
Audio-only: https://letstalk-paulsantmire.podbean.com/
#SaintOlafCollege #JürgenMoltmann #JoannaMacy #RossGay #Niebuhr #ErikErikson
#WesleyWildman #panentheism #Luther #LutheransRestoringCreation
#climateanxiety #saintolafcollege #jurgenmoltmann #joannamacy #RossGay #niebuhr #erikerikson #wesleywildman #Panentheism #Luther #lutheransrestoringcreation
The #universalism of the kingdom of God can only be demonstrated through one sided and clear identification with those who are exploited, despised and persecuted.
#Universalism #jurgenmoltmann #liberationtheology #theologyofhope #universalsalvation
The #universalism of the kingdom of God can only be demonstrated through one sided and clear identification with those who are exploited, despised and persecuted.
#universalism #jurgenmoltmann #LiberationTheology #theologyofhope #universalsalvation
Everywhere in the New Testament the Christian hope is directed towards what is not yet visible; it is consequently a “hoping against hope” and thereby brands the visible realm of present experience as a godforsaken, transient reality that is to be left behind. The contradiction to the existing reality of himself and his world in which man is placed by hope is the very contradiction out of which this hope itself is born—it is the contradiction between the resurrection and the cross. Christian hope is resurrection hope, and it proves its truth in the contradiction of the future prospects thereby offered and guaranteed for righteousness as opposed to sin, life as opposed to death, glory as opposed to suffering, peace as opposed to dissension.
Christian #eschatology does not speak of the future as such. It sets out from a definite reality in history and announces the future of that reality, its future possibilities, and its power over the future. Christian eschatology speaks of Jesus Christ and his future. It recognizes the reality of the raising of Jesus and proclaims the future of the risen Lord.
#eschatology #jurgenmoltmann #theology
A proper #theology would therefore have to be constructed in the light of its future goal. #Eschatology should not be its end, but its beginning.
#theology #eschatology #jurgenmoltmann
From first to last, and not merely in the epilogue, #Christianity is #eschatology, is hope, forward looking and forward moving, and therefore also revolutionizing and transforming the present. The eschatological is not one element of Christianity, but it is the medium of Christian faith as such, the key in which everything in it is set, the glow that suffuses everything here in the dawn of an expected new day.
#christianity #eschatology #jurgenmoltmann #theology
“The more #Christianity became an organization for discipleship under the auspices of the Roman state religion, the more #eschatology and its mobilizing, revolutionizing, and critical effects upon history as it has now to be lived were left to fanatical sects and revolutionary groups.”
~#JürgenMoltmann, Theologynof Hope
#christianity #eschatology #jurgenmoltmann #theology
In his autobiography, A Broad Place, #JürgenMoltmann wrote:
“I believe that three key concepts are essential for every Christian theology of hope:
•the concept of the divine promise in the Old Testament;
•the concept of the raising of the crucified Christ as God’s future for the world, in the New Testament;
•an understanding of human history as the mission of the kingdom of God today.
#Theology @theology