#AlabamasGottenMeSoUpset: By requiring #preapproval, the #VRA sought to prevent #discriminatory practices from going into effect in the first place.
In 2013, however, the #SupremeCourt in #ShelbyCounty v. Holder struck down the framework that determined which #jurisdictions were subject to the #preclearance requirement, effectively gutting this key #enforcement measure.
#corruptrobertscourt #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct #StateVotingRightsLegislation
#alabamasgottenmesoupset #preapproval #vra #discriminatory #supremecourt #shelbycounty #jurisdictions #preclearance #enforcement #corruptrobertscourt #JohnLewisVotingRightsAct #statevotingrightslegislation #enforcethe15th
@Rob300 @whvholst @reneestephen @tod
You can't #patent #text, or stories, or any #narrative. Patents are only for "#practical #devices" (though you don't actually have to prove it works, or even build one), although that has been (incorrectly, IMHO) extended to #software as well.
Some #jurisdictions recognize a second kind of patent, called a #design patent, which protects the "look and feel" of whatever's being patented. It also does not apply to text.
#patent #text #narrative #practical #devices #software #jurisdictions #design
Crypto travel rule implementation ‘remains relatively poor,’ says FATF - The United Nations body called on all member states to implement ... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/crypto-travel-rule-implementation-remains-poor-fatf #financialactiontaskforce #weaponsofmassdestruction #anti-moneylaundering #financingofterrorism #illegaltransactions #jurisdictions #travelrule #regulation #criminals
#criminals #regulation #travelrule #jurisdictions #illegaltransactions #financingofterrorism #anti #weaponsofmassdestruction #financialactiontaskforce
If Fox violates #German or #UK #law, then by all means #charge them under that law in those #jurisdictions.
Pre-emptively preventing them from speaking is #censorship, and is a bad idea.
I'm not American, so I have no influence over what Florida and Texas do.
Regarding #fascism, guess who loves viewpoint censorship most? #Fascists.
I'm saying don't make government censorship the norm, because the next government may be fascist and use it against you.
#German #uk #Law #charge #jurisdictions #censorship #fascism #fascists
'Currently, #BritishColumbia is one of the few #coastal #jurisdictions in #NorthAmerica that does not have a coastal #marine #strategy or #law , instead relying on a combination of #regulations administered by various #governments & ministries. With #shoreline development largely left to the discretion of municipalities, these different #ZoningBylaws, #development #PermitAreas & official #CommunityPlans have resulted in #inconsistent #protections .'
#britishcolumbia #coastal #jurisdictions #northamerica #marine #strategy #law #regulations #governments #shoreline #zoningbylaws #development #permitareas #communityplans #inconsistent #protections #pnw #protectoceans