Well I finished jury duty about an hr ago. The whole process was interesting as I have never actually been selected all the way through and sat on one.
The whole thing should have gone to trial, absolutely stupid but hey, got me off the phones today.
Juror jailed for causing rape trial to collapse by researching defendant online | Crime | The Guardian
#juror #rapetrial #internet #internetsearch #carr
JUROR #2: Zoey Deutch Set to Co-Star in Clint Eastwood’s Upcoming Legal Thriller
#FilmBook #MovieCasting #MovieNews #ClintEastwood #Juror#2 #MovieCasting #MovieNews #WarnerBros. #ZoeyDeutch
#filmbook #moviecasting #movienews #clinteastwood #juror #warnerbros #zoeydeutch
A fascinating #podcast about #juryNullification in the #UnitedStates
#jury #juries #juryDuty #juror #jurors #judicialSystem #judiciary #rightsAndResponsibilities #community #US #USA #Justice #unjustLaws
https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRzLndueWMub3JnL3JhZGlvbGFi/episode/Y2I4Yzg5NmUtMGY4NS00MDI2LWEzYzAtMzQ3ZDE2NTg0MjI3?ep=14 via #wnyc @radiolab@journa.host @radiolab@bird.makeup
#Podcast #jurynullification #unitedstates #jury #juries #juryduty #juror #jurors #judicialsystem #judiciary #rightsandresponsibilities #community #US #usa #Justice #unjustlaws #wnyc
Amber Heard Asks for Verdict to be Tossed, Lack of Evidence & Fake Juror #amber #heard #asks #verdict #tossed #lack #evidence #fake #juror #3luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudG16LmNvbS8yMDIyLzA3LzAzL2FtYmVyLWhlYXJkLWFza3MtdmVyZGljdC10b3NzZWQtbGFjay1vZi1ldmlkZW5jZS1mYWtlLWp1cm9yLw==
#3luglio #juror #fake #evidence #lack #tossed #verdict #asks #heard #amber