That's a nice law you have here
It would be a shame if some jury...
... nullified it
So, like, if you are asked directly, don't perjure yourself, but you may wanna be aware that jury nullification exists.
#AbortionIsHealthcare #JuryNullification
#jurynullification #abortionishealthcare
RT @PlanB_earth
Juries have the absolute right to "give their verdict according to their convictions", a vital democratic principle #JudgeSilasReid and others are aiming to crush.
#JuryNullification #JuryEquity #PerverseVerdict
@JustStop_Oil @InsulateLove @UKSupremeCourt
#perverseverdict #juryequity #jurynullification #judgesilasreid
As fascist anti-trans and anti-drag bills have gained ground, it's more important than ever to talk about #JuryNullification and ensure people know about it.
If you are called to be a juror, you have no obligation to declare someone guilty, EVEN IF you are certain they did it.
This is a built-in feature of the system that judges don't like to discuss. A jury can declare someone innocent simply because they disagree with the law.
As immoral, oppressive, and fascist laws targeting marginalized groups are being passed, we must remember this tool. Talk to people you know because the more people are aware of this, the more likely one of those 12 jurors will be too.
And remember, this doesn't have to be for the more extreme recent examples. Together we can stop bullshit life sentences for petty drug crimes and all manner of oppressions.
#jurynullification #jury #trial #us #usa #justice #transrights #solidarity
A fascinating #podcast about #juryNullification in the #UnitedStates
#jury #juries #juryDuty #juror #jurors #judicialSystem #judiciary #rightsAndResponsibilities #community #US #USA #Justice #unjustLaws
https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRzLndueWMub3JnL3JhZGlvbGFi/episode/Y2I4Yzg5NmUtMGY4NS00MDI2LWEzYzAtMzQ3ZDE2NTg0MjI3?ep=14 via #wnyc @radiolab@journa.host @radiolab@bird.makeup
#Podcast #jurynullification #unitedstates #jury #juries #juryduty #juror #jurors #judicialsystem #judiciary #rightsandresponsibilities #community #US #usa #Justice #unjustlaws #wnyc
Streaming Now!
In honor of #LysanderSpooner’s birthday, watch #NonServiamMedia friend Nathan Goodman discuss Spooner’s views on jury rights for #FIJA along with Roderick Long, Aeon Skoble, & more.
#lysanderspooner #nonserviammedia #fija #law #anarchism #jurynullification
Leftist Privilege? Jury Dismisses Charge Against Self-Described ‘Idiot’ Who Threw Cans at Ted Cruz
Libertarians & Conservatives remember this!
#LeftNutz attack law abiding Americans & get away w/ it.
#JuryNullification only way we will get equal justice
Maybe I should have these made up as #stickers, or find some that someone else has already done? 🤔
#JuryNullification #justice
#justice #jurynullification #stickers
RT @ce_murphy
BUT judges/lawyers can't/won't tell you this AND they'll disqualify you from jury duty if you say you won't convict on a stupid law, so if you're willing to sit jury duty, DO NOT let on that you know what #JuryNullification is, but in the deliberations, tell your fellow jurors. https://twitter.com/ashlaystarstar/status/1585151368796393472
Do you think that transacting in crypto should result in life in prison?
#VictimlessCrime #Justice #Crypto #Secession #JuryNullification
#VictimlessCrime #justice #crypto #secession #jurynullification
@landofmanyislands @TonyStark I should perhaps mention (assuming the frustration you speak of is roeVwade), there’s a more empowering option than voting if you live in one of the nasty states: #juryNullification. A large majority of ppl are #proChoice. So when there is an abortion prosecution, more than half the jury will oppose a conviction. But the problem is most ppl don’t know about jury nullification.
The Great Jury Nullification Project ~ Styxhexenhammer666
#politics #politic #uspolitics #jurynullification #legal #law #jury #judicial
#Judicial #jury #law #legal #jurynullification #uspolitics #politic #politics
#jurynullification #nullification #jury #court #law
"The Great Jury Nullification Project"
#jurynullification #nullification #jury #court #law
@Lpnational And if one is ever called for jury duty for one of these "crimes", https://fija.org #jurynullification
Those of us who are US citizens: some of us get called for jury duty (I've served about a half-dozen times). Frequently, the decision is easy, but sometimes, we may be asked to serve on a jury for a victimless crime or unjust law. It's helpful to know about "jury nullification" and how to conduct ourselves so we are not excluded from serving. This web site provides valuable information: https://fija.org #jurynullification