Story time: I've had a few people recently message me regarding their strong suspicions that we had somebody impersonating (in their words catfishing) on
While I couldn't find anything that proved one way or the other, I was able to directly contact the person via linked in of all places and confirm their identity.
This isn't a regular issue, but I hope it builds trust and safety on this platform. Thank you for people who raised concerns of the possible stolen identity, and thank you for the person for being understanding of our concerns.
dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/util-linux_2.37.2-4ubuntu3_amd64.deb (--unpack):
trying to overwrite '/bin/su', which is also in package login 1:4.5-1ubuntu2.5
@meave *gets ideas* also, my admin is messier and has no impressive boots :( but she does like providing service... #justadminthings
Eben einen alten Server upgedatet, der nicht in der zentralen Verwaltung ist und wohl ein paar Monate vergessen wurde (ist ein interner legacy Server). Hatte mich auf eine Yak Shaving Tortur eingestellt. Hat aber einwandfrei geklappt. Was mache ich jetzt bis zur Mittagspause?!
#justadminthings #nichtnurmastodadmin
Máte už někdo zkušenost s federovacími mosty? Bridge na jiný 🐘 server? Podělte se 😏
Nějak jsem k tomu nenašel dokumentaci 😅
@xChaos @nolog @petr @michal @davidslizek
Still trying to find our niche and codify what sort of space we strive to be on
@Ica and I are just two longtime weebs who enjoy the energy, creativity, and possibilities inherit in vTubing. We want to promote, encourage, and engage with the content creators in this space and enable others to do the same. I've updated to better reflect that sentiment while keeping the rules basic.
tl;dr: friendly supportive community good
#vtuber #justadminthings
Tried to update my website to add my verified link to here.
Much later in the evening, I still don’t have a verified link and either I’m in caching hell or the admin dashboard has come completely disconnected from the published website.
#JustAdminThings #WhyIDontAdminThingsAnymore #TimeToRebuildAgain?
#justadminthings #whyidontadminthingsanymore #timetorebuildagain
Sachen die den #Admin nicht erfreuen:
Da sagt das Nagios doch "RAID CRITICAL: Raid Set # 000: Degraded - Raid Set # 001: Normal"
Also nachher mal losfahren, die Server kurz streicheln und eine Festplatte tauschen...
Ihr entschuldigt mich - ich habe ein Wheezy entdeckt und nun zu tun #justadminthings
User uploading 5.7MB MP4 file = 2.38GB of bandwidth in less than 2 minutes as we blast the file out to over 425 federated servers. #JustAdminThings