#justaguess this week is gonna be rough because the Pfizer vaccine will get FDA approval. (Again, I'm vaccine ambivalent but a loooooot of people are really against them. This makes their fight harder.)
We may get the preliminary report about the AZ Audit but we'll see. They've only said they're presenting it to the Senate, which is not the same thing as going public.
It seems to me that trading one super power ruling over #Afghanistan (USA) for another (China) is not in the best interest of the region. #justaguess but it seems like there's a high probability of neighboring countries stepping in and making sure China doesn't take over.
@NSP My #justaguess is that the reason Trump didn't "do more" (visibly) is because he was more concerned with national stability than he was over forcing things his way. Election fraud has deep roots & is a symptom of a bigger problem. If he tried to rip it all out at once through brute force, it would have caused a national crisis and likely opened us up to some serious national security problems (worse than we were already exposed, if you can believe it).
#justaguess number 2: The outrage over stolen elections is there & it's massive. There is already enough evidence to throw people into jail. The issue is #msm isn't reporting it & #bigtech is actively censoring it. The power players are disconnected with reality and won't care about public fury until it touches their bottom line (whatever that may be). Peer pressure seems more important than public pressure to our elites.
Here's my #justaguess : the #CyberSymposium presents everything #mikelindell claims it would, but people don't understand the importance of it because it wasn't presented in easily digestible 1 minute segments. MSM can't refute the facts so they ignore it or nitpick over small unrelated errors to convince their audience they DEBOONKED everything.
#justaguess #CyberSymposium #mikelindell
So... Just getting this out there now: I don't think Trump is involved with #mikelindell and his data likely came from a whistleblower, perhaps multiple ones. I guess the whistleblower might have been a plant, but it's also possible he was someone who realized something was wrong & decided to do something about it. #justaguess #CyberSymposium
#mikelindell #justaguess #CyberSymposium
Earlier today there was a guy saying they had recorded, before, during, and after, elections to see exactly what alterations were being made through the machines. I think the CO County Clerk might have been part of that, and that's why her office got raided. #justaguess #cybersymposium #mikelindell
#justaguess #CyberSymposium #mikelindell