My dad was visiting for a couple hours and just left. We were talking about what shows and movies we're currently into, and Dad said, "We're really into series right now," and I said, "Oh yeah?" He says, "Yeah we're watching Perry Mason and The Mandalorian," which I knew was two different shows but my ears heard it all run together as a single title, and honestly, that could be a pretty great show.
@amigalove @LaF0rge but what if we wanted to make a better "#Floppy" instead?
OFC not with magnetic film, but taking the paradigm of the media and it's mechanical dimensions to the next level:
#JustAnIdea #NeoFloppy #StiffyDisk
#stiffydisk #neofloppy #justanidea #floppy
Can we reinvent the #bookmark?
I think adding the specific protocol in the way that we did to a url was a mistake, we need some kind of generics for the protocol?
Like if it's essentially a remote "filesystem" than it should just try out (http, https, sftp, ftp, webdav, etc) in order of preference
If it's a video streams maybe just say "video" as protocol and let it figure out the rest by itself.
if it's a "swarm" (bittorrent, hyper, etc) maybe use that.
Energy crisis, massive job replacement by AI, I hear you saying "but Metal Cuddle you are all doom and gloom.. There must be a way out of this global crisis!".
Of course! Just ban GPUs, merry Xmas !
I feel often, that it is also valuable to throw away software, we are too attached to solutions.
What do you think about asking for a different approach, with certain new constraints? #justAnIdea
@stefanowitsch @linguistics I once just *had to* use #Praat to draw some pictures, but as Praat #scripting is horrible I ended up writing a #Python script to generate a Praat script that finally created those pictures. #justanidea
#justanidea #python #scripting #Praat
@fediverse Can I suggest as the map gets bigger. Instances that are open for subscriptions have a green marker. that makes it easier to find one near you if you want a local server. #justanidea
Product idea :
a discource community hub that connect in a central place with a single login all your discourse forums.
So many compan are using discourse today, as user you lose track which community you are involved in.
wenn sie verstehen möchten, wie die gesellschaft tickt und auch ein bisschen, wieso - dann schauen sie frühstücks- oder mittags-tv auf den privatsendern. #justanidea
protipp an alle, die hier gerne zu aktuellen reizthemen … äh … engagiert diskutieren: mit hass und grabenkriegen vergrämt man alle, die bisher wenig meinung hatten nahezu garantiert. #justanidea