@bifpowell That chopper was stolen during the early 90's but the dude who did it lost his roof so pushed it on the street during the eye so he would not get caught... It used to be a Police chopper, the dude repainted it with another livery, A-Team style. I was baffled when I saw that driving my old TJ that started right up after Irma when I turned the key... #TheMemories PS #JustCause was epic... I played quite a while
A Starbucks Worker Fired for Organizing Got His Job Back Thanks to NYC “Just Cause” Laws
#Starbucks #Worker #Reinstated #JustCause #Law
#law #justcause #reinstated #worker #starbucks
RPS Time Capsule: the games worth saving from 2006 - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/rps-time-capsule-the-games-worth-saving-from-2006 #TheElderScrollsIV:Oblivion #DarkMessiahofMight&Magic; #Marvel:UltimateAlliance #StrongholdLegends #TheRPSTimeCapsule #TombRaider:Legend #CompanyofHeroes #Blockbuster #Pathologic #JustCause #TheShip #Defcon #Indie
#indie #defcon #theship #justcause #pathologic #blockbuster #CompanyofHeroes #tombraider #TheRPSTimeCapsule #strongholdlegends #marvel #darkmessiahofmight #TheElderScrollsIV
So, if your attack the enemy base in Just Cause 3 using a fighter jet, there isn't much that the engine can really do to stop you. You can even outrun the surface air missiles. The only problem is that you can only do a 10-second run before you have to go out and turn around again.
This would be like naming a whole #videogame about stealing planes and smashing buildings in a fictional American city "9/11"
Pretty fuckin gross #justcause #justcause3 #justcause4 #justcause4gameplay
#videogame #justcause #justcause3 #justcause4 #justcause4gameplay
Did you know there is also a #videogame franchise where you are an American invading a fictional latín American country named after the US invasion of Panama? (Gross) #justcause
Seven out of 10 American workers fired in a recent survey were given no reason or bad reasons for being let go and most did not receive severance: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/12/workers-fired-2022-just-cause-nelp-report/
#maggieduffy #motherjones #labor #laborrights #atwill #justcause #unionization #unions #organizing #organising #organization #organisation #organizedlabor #organisedlabour #nelp #nationalemploymentlawproject
#maggieduffy #motherjones #labor #laborrights #atwill #justcause #unionization #unions #organizing #organising #organization #organisation #organizedlabor #organisedlabour #nelp #NationalEmploymentLawProject
Oof, another #CorrectiveAction consult late last week. Folks it's important to #KnowYourContract. Many of our members get placed in corrective action for performance and don't realize this is the first step on the way to a #JustCause termination. As a steward I try to be as clear about that as I can, and sometimes people believe me... sometimes not. Look, if management is going to the trouble of putting it on paper, you're in trouble deep. Time to search for a transfer or plot your own escape.
#correctiveaction #knowyourcontract #justcause
Busy week… had four #grievance consults after months without a single one. Most due to annual performance ratings coming in. Also had a few corrective action consults. Let’s hear it for #JustCause employment! #Solidarity #UnionService
#grievance #justcause #solidarity #unionservice
After months of back and forth between employees and management, Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios has published a public statement of apology to its employees for its mishandling of a controversial hire. #JustCause https://gamesense.co/game/just-cause/news/discuss/just-cause-studio-employees-call-for-change-amid-year-long-battle-over-controversial-hire/
After months of back and forth between employees and management, Just Cause developer Avalanche Studios has published a public statement of apology to its employees for its mishandling of a controversial hire. #JustCause https://gamesense.co/game/just-cause/news/discuss/just-cause-studio-employees-call-for-change-amid-year-long-battle-over-controversial-hire/
Recentemente anunciada, “Just Cause” é uma adaptação da obra de 1992 de John Katzenbach e já tem estrela principal na talentosa Scarlett Johansson.
#scarlettjohansson #noticias #noticiaspt #noticiasbr #justcause #johnkatzenbach #series #amazon #amazonprimevideo #primevideo
#scarlettjohansson #noticias #noticiaspt #noticiasbr #justcause #johnkatzenbach #series #amazon #amazonprimevideo #primevideo
Just Cause: Erste Serienrolle für Scarlett Johansson #JustCause
Just Cause - Ordered to Series by Amazon - Scarlett Johansson To Star
Amazon Gives Series Order to Limited Series "Just Cause" Starring Scarlett Johansson
http://www.tv-recaps-reviews.com/2022/11/amazon-orders-limited-just-cause.html #JustCause #Amazon #AmazonPrime #AmazonPrimeVideo #PrimeVideo
#primevideo #amazonprimevideo #amazonprime #Amazon #justcause
Das Spiel Just Cause 3 (2015) vollständig durchgespielt (Deutsch, ohne Kommentare).
Jetzt anschauen (Playlist):
#youtube #letsplay #nocommentry #games #gaming #JustCause #JC #JustCause3 #JC3
#jc3 #justcause3 #jc #justcause #Gaming #Games #nocommentry #letsplay #YouTube
@darrenoneill @Klaatu i spent WAYYY too much money on a Marantz Stereo Symphonic Receiver
got a Grundig monster somewhere
Das Spiel Just Cause 2 (2010) vollständig durchgespielt (Deutsch, ohne Kommentare).
Jetzt anschauen (Playlist):
#youtube #letsplay #nocommentry #games #gaming #JustCause #JC #JustCause2 #JC2
#jc2 #justcause2 #jc #justcause #Gaming #Games #nocommentry #letsplay #YouTube
Open-World-Chaos: Square Enix bestätigt Entwicklung eines neuen Just Cause https://www.computerbase.de/2022-06/open-world-chaos-square-enix-bestaetigt-entwicklung-eines-neuen-just-cause/ #SquareEnix #JustCause
Open-World-Chaos: Square Enix bestätigt Entwicklung eines neuen Just Cause https://www.computerbase.de/2022-06/open-world-chaos-square-enix-bestaetigt-entwicklung-eines-neuen-just-cause/ #SquareEnix #JustCause