Raymondus Wheelerth · @moshman31
25 followers · 297 posts · Server mastodon.au

Don't miss the opportunities that come your way. They only present themselves once.

Especially if it's a chance to say goodbye.

After that you only have the "should haves" & "would haves" to haunt you till the day you die.

#life #wisdoms #mythoughts #justdoitlive

Last updated 1 year ago

Recorded Paradox · @recordedparadox
145 followers · 318 posts · Server infosec.exchange

I found the issue. According to "As it is currently implemented, in order to configure per-rule exclusions, you must create a new policy in MEM to replace the existing policy." Because I need to add an ASR Per Rule Exclusion, I need to create a new policy.

A lesson for the kind of administrators, you should run ASR in Audit Mode (you know, like Microsoft recommends) so you know what ASR Per Rule Exclusions you need to make before you make the policy that has them.


#microsoft #justdoitlive

Last updated 2 years ago