Emissions free cooling. Can we do it?
11 min video
#justhaveathink #climatechange #housing
I like the lateral thinking behind a multiple-source energy generating system from German firm @sinnpower; it’s modular and easily transported, and has won over even this pessimist:
#justhaveathink #windenergy #waveenergy #solarenergy #ClimateAction
#justhaveathink #windenergy #waveenergy #solarenergy #climateaction
Ich hatte kürzlich nach El Niño / La Niña und den Auswirkungen aufs globale Klima und das Wetter gefragt. Unter anderem wurde mir von @BeNice der YouTube-Kanal #JustHaveAThink empfohlen.
Dave Borlace beschreibt fundiert das Phänomen und seine Wirkung auf die Welt. Mir gefällt sehr, wie er die verheerenden Auswirkungen ruhig, ohne Alarmismus erläutert. Hut ab!
#ElNino #ElNiño #ErdErwärmung #KlimaWandel #WissKomm #KlimaFolgenForschung #Meteorologie
#justhaveathink #elnino #erderwarmung #klimawandel #Wisskomm #klimafolgenforschung #meteorologie
Just Have a Think
Geothermal is going global!
#justhaveathink #energy #geothermal #global
Just Have a Think
3 major energy storage breakthroughs in 2023.
#JustHaveAThink #energy #energyStorage #marketDisruption #storage
#justhaveathink #energy #energystorage #marketdisruption #storage
Just Have a Think
Latest UN report on Climate Change. How we doin'?
#justhaveathink #april21 #ipcc #report #sarcasm #xr
Catastrophic Carbon Removal. How the 'Big Solution' is failing badly.
#environment #climatechange #justhaveathink #technology #carbondioxide
#environment #climatechange #justhaveathink #technology #carbondioxide
Compressing air to reach net zero. A 'revolutionary' innovation.
#technology #justhaveathink #environment #compressors #climatechange
#technology #justhaveathink #environment #compressors #climatechange
Just Have a Think
Can the electric grid ruin your EV battery?
#JustHaveAThink #battery #batteryLifetime #cost #grid #gridStability
#justhaveathink #battery #batterylifetime #cost #grid #gridstability
Just Have a Think
Compressing air to reach net zero. A 'revolutionary' innovation.
#JustHaveAThink #compressor #LontraBladeCompressor #Schraubengeblaese
#justhaveathink #compressor #lontrabladecompressor #schraubengeblaese
Forget nuclear fissen & fusion, hydrogen, even drying-out water power.
Watch #JustHaveAThink asking "The smartest renewable rooftop power system in the world? #powernest" on YouTube: https://youtu.be/1vJuKxAIMuA
Just Have a Think
Finally a plastic that nature can easily deal with!
#JustHaveAThink #plastic #polyester #polymer #UniversityOfKonstanz #vanDerWaalsInteraction
#justhaveathink #plastic #polyester #polymer #universityofkonstanz #vanderwaalsinteraction
Just Have a Think
Lithium-ion outperformed. Again!
#justhaveathink #graphene #lis #lithium #safer #sulphur
Just Have a Think
Global Glacier Collapse. Will YOU have fresh water in 2050?
#JustHaveAThink #agriculture #freshWater #glavier #glacierCollapse #heatWave #hydropower #IPCC #water #Y2050
#justhaveathink #agriculture #freshwater #glavier #glaciercollapse #heatwave #hydropower #ipcc #water #y2050
During the COVID lock down, carbon emissions dropped drastically. Did methane emissions also drop?
Just have a think doesn't think so.
#methane #justhaveathink #ClimateChange
Just Have a Think
Every known climate projection, and which ones might really work!
#JustHaveAThink #BECCS #climate #conclusions #DAC #forecast #future #globalWarming #IPCC #model #prediction #projection #simulation #unsettling
#justhaveathink #beccs #climate #conclusions #dac #forecast #future #globalwarming #ipcc #model #prediction #projection #simulation #unsettling
Just Have a Think
How flywheels will prevent electricity grid blackouts.
#JustHaveaThink #Electricity #EnergyGrid #EnergyStorage #Flywheel #GyroBus #Gyroscope #HeavySpinnyThing #Inertia #Revolutionary #Stabiliser #SynchronousCompensator
#justhaveathink #electricity #energygrid #energystorage #flywheel #gyrobus #gyroscope #heavyspinnything #inertia #revolutionary #stabiliser #synchronouscompensator
Just Have a Think
The entire internet on a single chip! MASSIVE energy savings.
#JustHaveAThink #Energy #FiberOptics #Internet #LowPower #PetaBitsPerSecond
#justhaveathink #energy #fiberoptics #internet #lowpower #petabitspersecond
Just Have a Think
Abrupt global ocean circulation collapse. Time to start prepping?
#amoc_collapse #justhaveathink #thedayaftertomorrow