AOC claps back at Justice Alito for saying Congress can’t have oversight of Supreme Court
#AOC #JusticeAlito #CongressOversight #SupremeCourt #ClapBack #Mastodon #Politics #News
#aoc #justicealito #congressoversight #supremecourt #clapback #mastodon #politics #news
🥥 No one should be surprised that Mr. #JusticeAlito completely misreads the plain language of the #Constitution to grab power for rabid righties on the #SupremeCourt.
After all, he and his cronies are the ones who made up a gun right out of whole cloth and took away privacy, bodily autonomy, and civil rights on behalf of their paymasters. 🥥
#justicealito #constitution #supremecourt
“This is a terrible look for @WSJ,” tweeted John Carreyrou, a former investigative reporter at the Journal whose award-winning articles on Theranos lead to the indictment and criminal conviction of its founder, Elizabeth Holmes. “Let’s see how it feels when another news organization front runs a sensitive story it’s working on with a preemptive comment from the story subject.” #alito #supremecourt #justicealito
#alito #supremecourt #justicealito
🥥 #justiceAlito lost me when he cited a 17th century jurist defender of rapists and condemner of witches in his brief against #RoevWade.
Well, actually, he lost me during his confirmation hearings when he previewed his arrogant, entitled personality.🥥
In case you missed it, Alito has now joined the Justice Thomas club of “unreported luxury trips with billionaire.” Gee, who saw that coming? Oops, broke the dang sarcasm meter again.
#LGBTQ #JusticeAlito #Heteronormativity #Christianity
#lgbtq #justicealito #heteronormativity #christianity
Dirty. #LeonardLeo is involved, what a surprise 😒
#JusticeAlito took undisclosed fishing trip with GOP billionaire who later had cases before #SCOTUS - ProPublica
#leonardleo #justicealito #scotus
@doctorjaymarie You’re not amused because the #dredscott decision was an egregious denial of basic human dignity or that it’s tragically obvious had #justicealito been on the court at that time he would have certainly voted in favor of #slavery & denying agency for specific groups in America by race as he is now denying rights based on gender? Or is it something else? #humanrights #womensrights
#dredscott #justicealito #slavery #humanrights #womensrights
@doctorjaymarie Contrary to popular opinion, #justicealito did not participate in the #dredscott decision saying #blackpeople aren’t American citizens. He was barely out of law school in 1857.
#Scotus #scotuscorruption #racism #inequality #history #civilrights #blm
#justicealito #dredscott #blackpeople #scotus #scotuscorruption #racism #inequality #history #civilrights #blm
#ChiefJusticeRoberts says he cares about the integrity & trustworthiness of the #SupremeCourt but he allows his court to disintegrate right before our eyes.
The right-wing justices have defiled the court. The court has become corrupted with the stench of the #MAGA disease and its ideology.
It is my opinion that the court has lost the legitimately & respect due to the unethical actions & behavior of some of its #Justices like #JusticeAlito and #JusticeThomas. And also inject to that mixture unfit justices that sit not because of their qualifications but because of their #MAGA credentials.
The court needs an injection of antibiotics & disinfectant to clean out the infection and put the patient on the road to recovery to restore trustworthiness, respect and #JudicialRestraint unless protection of constitutional rights, particularly those of minorities, demands a certain degree of #JudicialAssertiveness.
#chiefjusticeroberts #supremecourt #maga #justices #justicealito #justicethomas #judicialrestraint #judicialassertiveness
Justice Taney…er…um…Justice Alito is in his feelings tonight.
#supremecourt #justicealito
#JusticeAlito must resign for ignoring history and precedence for made up word salads that pseudo-justify his legislating from the bench for white Christian supremacist, unpopular, minority, quack, opinions #JusticeGorsuch must resign for being an ideological extremist legislating from the bench. #UnpackTheCourt 2/2 #Politics
#justicealito #justicegorsuch #UnpackTheCourt #politics
... and if corruption is shown, resign. #JusticeAlito must resign for ignoring history and precedence for made up word salads that pseudo-justify his legislating from the bench for white Christian supremacist, unpopular, minority, quack, opinions #JusticeGorsuch must resign for being an ideological extremist legislating from the bench. #UnpackTheCourt 2/2 #Politics
#justicealito #justicegorsuch #UnpackTheCourt #politics
Justice #Alito Temporarily Blocks Limits on #AbortionPill Access #SupremeCourt #Texas #mifepristone #JusticeAlito #abortionban #abortionrights #politicaliq #news #politics
#alito #abortionpill #supremecourt #texas #mifepristone #justicealito #abortionban #abortionrights #politicaliq #News #politics
These 'brutal quotes' from #JusticeAlito could undermine Texas federal judge’s abortion pill ruling
"The decision last week by a federal judge in Texas invalidating the Food and Drug Administration’s approval 23 years ago of the abortion drug mifepristone
"The ruling, if it stands, would not only thwart access to the pills, used in more than half of pregnancy terminations, but also undermine the FDA’s authority to approve and regulate other drugs."
If I had to guess…. #justicealito #supremecourt #dobbs
#dobbs #SupremeCourt #justicealito
If I were a gambler I would bet on the #IllegitimateSCOTUS #JusticeAlito as the leaker of the memo to strip away women's freedom as full citizens. This sham investigation from them investigating themselves and finding no nothing is a joke. It's a pathetic attempt to put focus on the leak vs. WHAT was leaked. Not to mention Justice Thomas's corruption & sedition. You would have to be blind to buy this BS. #ReformSCOTUS
#IllegitimateSCOTUS #justicealito #reformscotus #ExpandTheCourt
Christian Fascist political hack #JusticeAlito jokes about Black kids in KKK outfits during illegitimate Supreme Courts argument