@politicsbot this is an action that should be applied to others as well....or #nojustice and the continuation of #justicedenied #legalresearch #courts #indictments #trump and all his #codefendants
#nojustice #justicedenied #legalresearch #courts #indictments #trump #codefendants
#AP examination of #ethics practices of the U.S. #SupremeCourt relied on documents obtained from more than 100 #PublicRecords requests to public #colleges, #universities and other institutions that have hosted the justices over the past decade. Inside the AP’s investigation into the #ethics practices of the #SupremeCourt #justices #SCOTUS #ethicsreform #oversight #justicedenied #rightwing #elites #federalistsociety #HoratioAlgerAssociation #ClarenceThomas #JohnRoberts https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-ethics-documents-conflicts-9fa2847e60e11601c872c3ba3eea12a3
#ap #ethics #supremecourt #publicrecords #colleges #universities #justices #SCOTUS #ethicsreform #oversight #justicedenied #rightwing #elites #federalistsociety #horatioalgerassociation #clarencethomas #johnroberts
Harvard’s Admissions Is Challenged for Favoring Children of Alumni. After the #SupremeCourt #banned #raceconscious #AffirmativeAction, activists filed a #complaint, saying# legacy admissions helped students who are overwhelmingly #rich and #white.https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/03/us/harvard-alumni-children-affirmative-action.html #SCOTUS #JusticeDenied #alumni
#supremecourt #banned #raceconscious #affirmativeaction #Complaint #rich #white #SCOTUS #justicedenied #alumni
A #WashingtonPost investigation found that more than a year would pass before prosecutors and #FBI agents jointly embarked on a formal probe of actions directed from the #WhiteHouse to try to #steal the #election. Even then, the FBI stopped short of identifying the former president #trump as a focus of that #investigation. #JusticeDelayed #JusticeDenied #DOJ #Garland Free Link https://wapo.st/43M05Mx
#washingtonpost #fbi #whitehouse #Steal #election #trump #investigation #justicedelayed #justicedenied #doj #garland
@MJmusicinears American #legalsystem bears aloft and apart, #rich #powerful #whitemen and their #coconspirators #enablers #sycophants #facilitators #collaborators = #lawyers #lobbyists #journalists #MAGA #republicans #fascists #haters #bigots #oppressors #industrialists #billionaires #corporations while #justicedenied to all those most #deserving but a few - #sentencingproject - Apply the same #criminal #convictions to #planning #executing #insurrection #violence #treason or, #democracydies
#legalsystem #rich #powerful #whitemen #coconspirators #enablers #sycophants #facilitators #collaborators #lawyers #lobbyists #journalists #MAGA #republicans #fascists #haters #bigots #oppressors #industrialists #billionaires #corporations #justicedenied #deserving #sentencingproject #criminal #convictions #planning #executing #insurrection #violence #treason #democracydies
#justicedenied the watergate breakin took place in June 72 and Nixon resigned august 74. We are that far along plus from January 6 and we are likely 2-3 more years from resolution, if any…..
I no longer believe in American justice
The Case Against Matt #Gaetz
Or: If the DOJ says sex with children is OK, why did Anthony Weiner go to prison for sexting with a minor?
#DailyEdge #DoubleStandards #JusticeDenied
#gaetz #dailyedge #doublestandards #justicedenied
@realTuckFrumper #JusticeDelayed Is #JusticeDenied. I remain pessimistic about #indictments for any criminals in the extensive scope of the paterfamilias. Very much hope I am incorrect.
#justicedelayed #justicedenied #indictments
Extraordinary! how can a judge deny the admissibility of evidence which lies at the very core of a defendant’s justification of their actions.
#Insulate_Britain activist jailed for eight weeks for #ContemptOfCourt
#contemptofcourt #insulate_britain #justicedenied
Case against Franco
Bungled, deputy removed fast
Justice denied again
#josephfranco #policeaccountability #justicedenied #haiku #poetry
#josephfranco #policeaccountability #justicedenied #haiku #poetry
@Alan The elephant in the room - will all the pre and post Jan6th acts of treason result in any overarching report that connects and visualizes the corruption and abuse under Drumpf and his co-conspirators within and outside of the US? I fear not but will put a drop of hope into the rapidly emptying well of #justicedelayed #justicedenied. #Democracy #corruption #greed #Russia #Qatar #SaudiArabia #Congress #republicanparty #collusion
#justicedelayed #justicedenied #Democracy #Corruption #greed #russia #qatar #saudiarabia #congress #republicanparty #collusion
Immunity plea
Ruler above the law, they say
Khashoggi's killer free
#khashoggi #justicedenied #saudiarabia #haiku #poetry
#justicedenied #khashoggi #saudiarabia #haiku #poetry
@Gg58 @vanbadham
Yes, the juror misbehaviour remains problematic.
We'll probably never know the truth. The judge was quite clear about the rules, repeatedly. Highly like the misbehaviour was not an accident. Ideally all links should have been traced back.
#JusticeDenied for all
#Till was a disturbing movie indeed, but it also showed the incredible courage of his mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, who made the decision to show the world the horror of what was done to her child. She turned her grief into action at a time when it was extremely dangerous to do so, especially in the deep south. She was just one mother of thousands who has lost a child to hatred, violence, and racism, then & now. #JusticeDenied #JusticeForEmmettTill #SundayThoughts
#till #justicedenied #justiceforemmetttill #sundaythoughts