#GenaroGarcíaLuna has been found guilty of all charges related to drug trafficking and organized crime. This further confirms the suspicions that under the Calderón administration, the Mexican government was deeply involved in heinous crimes. #JusticeForMexico #FelipeCalderón https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-02-22&topic=Calderón
#felipecalderon #justiceformexico #GenaroGarciaLuna
The truth is out: Ex-President Felipe Calderon & his former Right Hand Man Genaro Garcia Luna are GUILTY of Narcotics & Organized Crime! Justice will be served! #GarcíaLuna #FelipeCalderon #GenaroGarciaLuna #JusticeForMexico https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-02-22&topic=García Luna
#justiceformexico #GenaroGarciaLuna #felipecalderon #garcialuna
Breaking! Genaro Garcia Luna found guilty of all charges related to drug trafficking. #GarcíaLunaElPANyCalderónSonCulpables #FelipeCalderon #JusticeForMexico #JusticeInMexico https://www.GPTrending.com/#/?date=2023-02-21&topic=García Luna
#justiceinmexico #justiceformexico #felipecalderon #garcialunaelpanycalderonsonculpables