When a Mongolian person working here was stabbed - nothing. When a Polish man going to his 5am shift was beaten to death - nothing. When cyclists were beaten over the head with iron bars on the way to work - nothing. But now at last there's going to be a "tough response" - does this mean gardaĆ on ebikes patrolling? after a US tourist is a victim https://www.independent.ie/regionals/dublin/dublin-news/us-tourist-57-suffers-serious-eye-and-head-injuries-in-violent-city-centre-attack-by-three-youths/a567207586.html #JusticeForSome
So, the administration: the actual government itself; has no #FirstAmmendment right to speak to certain entities?
Maybe the #Administration should issue a rule that #SCOTUS has no right to rule on #ExecutiveOrders.
#justiceforsome #seemsfair #executiveorders #scotus #administration #firstammendment
A woman in Denver with severe postpartum depression, tragically killed her baby. Instead of receiving the psychiatric care she clearly needs, she's been arrested and charged with murder. Meanwhile, a father can keep an armory of loaded guns in his house that inevitably lead to a child accidentally killing a family member, and all he gets is sympathy for his loss. #JusticeForSome